建造ing a fast track between Germany and Denmark


Author:Karina Lumholt

Fehmarn Belt固定链接是一条计划的沉浸式隧道,旨在连接德国和丹麦,使旅行者仅在7到10分钟内通过在国家之间的火车上训练,或者通过四车道的高速公路开车。完成后,这个18公里长的隧道will be the世界上最大的隧道同类,预计将employ up to 3,000 people。The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link is a user-financed7 billion Euro project,预计将在近9年内完成,这将连接在德国丹麦岛上的德国岛和罗德比德国岛上的Puttgarden。除了哥本哈根和马尔默之间的Øresund固定环节外,Fehmarn带固定环节将使斯堪的纳维亚半岛和中欧通过命名的南北走廊更加接近。


Preparatory construction work for this European mega project.

HolbøllA/S, a Danish construction company carrying out quality work in the fields of soil, concrete, sewerage and coating for both private and public builders, plays an important role on this project with the earthworks for56 bridges在Ringsted-Rødby线,crossin的主要途径g Denmark leading where the tunnel would start. Holbøll’s undertakings for this European mega project includes drainage work for the new bridges as well as building the ramps to the bridges. With a total of three years, expected to be finished soon, this is the biggest project the company has ever undertaken.

该公司的成功是基于适应市场不断创造的新挑战和变化。这种方法使公司能够赢得Sub合同,以支持Ringsted和Rødby之间的铁路网络。大约130名员工和一个机器公园22台配备机器控制的机器from Leica Geosystems, Holbøll's delivers innovative and sustainable solutions on time and at the agreed price.

在Vordingborg的其中一个桥梁,运营商Flemming Ove Nielsen使用Leica图标GD4 3D系统on the 61PX Komatsu dozer to do the first rough work for building the slopes.

“对于这种工作,推土机非常有效,因为它可以移动太多污垢,并且通过机器控制,将刀片的正确角度握住,”Holbøll的共同所有人兼董事总经理Carl-OleHolbøll解释说。“弗莱明使用机器控制来创建斜坡,然后挖掘机接管了最终的分级工作,”says Holbøll.


Further down the rail track by5公里, another bridge ramp is under construction. The excavator usesLeica iCON iXE3 3D system对于坡道斜坡的饰面层。操作员已使用该解决方案来记录不同污垢层的高度,只需放置水桶并让IXE3注册Aus-Build文档和付款释放的高度即可。这saves a lot of timebecause the operator doesn’t have to wait for a surveyor to do the as-built documentation for each layer.



Along with the tunnel, the upgrade and expansion of the rail link between Ringsted and Lübeck will deliver a shorter and faster connection. The Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link is part of the European TEN-T network whose objective is to enhance the efficiency of the infrastructure and reduce the environmental impact. The objective of TEN-T is to transfer more freight from roads to rail,reduce energy consumption and ease road congestion。The infrastructure for rail freight will be significantly improved because freight between Scandinavia and the rest of Europe would no longer need to drive across Storebælt in Denmark, and the rail freight will be缩短10公里



负责的公司女性A/S采取了下一步的步骤,开发了将建造隧道元素工厂的区域。持续的考古调查,预备供应基础设施和排水量为55毫入欧元。HolbøllA/S配备了Leica Geosystems,已预先为几个派生项目提供了资格,包括在丹麦的Strandholm Lake的八公顷排水和移动


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