Leica ICON iCR70 Robotic Construction Total Station

Super-modern technology for good old-fashioned accuracy.

Leica ICR70

Leica Geosystems’ new construction total station, the Leica iCON iCR70, facilitates the move from traditional analogue measurement methods to modern digital layout techniques, which are a necessity within modern BIM processes and achieve the high productivity and accuracies demanded by the building construction industry. iCR70 can be used by the existing construction workforce with minimal training and do not disrupt existing construction processes.

The iCON iCR70 allows users to:

  • 基础上的基础或粉笔线的布局线条或粉笔线
  • 倒入混凝土之前,在盲层上的布局点(例如管道插入或切口)
  • MEP layout of hanger locations for HVAC and duct work, inserts and slits for sheet metal work
  • Fully automatic layout routines of points on floor or ceiling and lines for pipe wall penetrations

更快,更简单,更准确地准备和执行施工任务。该机器人是针对您的建筑需求量身定制的,专为单人操作而设计,使您的生产率比其他常规布局实践提高了约80%。ICON ICR70是您建筑布局的最佳合作伙伴,可帮助您简化现场,准时和预算。有了防弹设置的例程,您可以确信自己拥有正确的设置。它可以通过在现场的全面渲染3D设计模型的灵活处理来保证布局效率。它旨在在建筑行业易于使用,可在建筑行业易于加速建筑和安装过程,帮助您每天(每天都能达到更多的布局点。

The iCON iCR70 total station is fully compatible with:

The iCON iCR70 features:

  • 4个按钮键盘用于简单操作
  • 通过专利技术搜索快速棱镜搜索SpeedSearch
  • 稳定的数据通信与远程蓝牙®(高达400m)
  • Aligned to modern BIM processes, fully-rendered 3D design models can be easily shared viaConX从设计办公室到现场工作人员。

Go digital

交换易于使用的新现代技术的传统测量方法。ICON ICR70使您可以从传统的模拟布局方法(例如磁带,铅板和字符串)转变为现代数字布局方法。使用Leica Geosystems的新建筑总站,您现在可以轻松地将复杂的设计变为现实。





Lowest total cost of ownership

All Leica Geosystems total-stations are designed for reliability and longevity and are maintained by an extensive and skilled service network – all helping to maintain a high residual value of the original investment. iCR70 helps you produce more profitable projects, by saving time, reducing operational costs and eliminating errors.

Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France – BIM has arrived on site

Watch, how Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, was able to increase accuracy and efficiency in construction by applying digital layout solutions.

Watch, how Bouygues Bâtiment Ile-de-France, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, was able to increase accuracy and efficiency in construction by applying digital layout solutions.

Want a Headstart On Learning Your Total Station?

Watch these step-by-step how-to videos on the basics of the Leica Geosystems iCON iCR70.
Watch these step-by-step how-to videos on the basics of the Leica Geosystems iCON iCR70.


A simple yet robust platform for the construction industry - built from the ground up
A simple yet robust platform for the construction industry - built from the ground up

Return on Investment Calculator


Online Learning

Leica Geosystems已开发了一个在线学习平台,以进一步教育客户将其工具的功能最大化。
Leica Geosystems已开发了一个在线学习平台,以进一步教育客户将其工具的功能最大化。

Contact Leica Geosystems

找到您的Leica Geosystems联系,以获得销售,支持和技术服务。
找到您的Leica Geosystems联系,以获得销售,支持和技术服务。