QA Leica Geomos现在监视服务


Leica Geosystems产品经理Michael Rutschmann现在讨论Geomos的好处和应用!测量师和工程公司的测量版。


变形监视是一项特定服务,需要对监视结构的形式或大小的更改进行定期,精确的测量和跟踪。对于这些重复的控制测量,Leica Geosystems现在已经开发了Leica Geomos!Survey Edition是一种简单明了的解决方案,专门为工程公司和测量师创建。现在的怪异!Survey Edition使用云简化了现场监控活动的工作流程,以轻松上传坐标,处理和可视化变形结果,并可以访问任何现有或以前的监视项目。

It's the fastest and most efficient monitoring solution on the market. While still in the field, surveyors can use GeoMoS Now! Survey Edition to automatically process their measurements, then edit and distribute customised reports to any defined end user from their smart device.
此外,新的TPS监视应用程序可专门用于使用Leica Caintivate和SmartWorx软件的总站和多阶,进一步简化和加快现场调查。亚博5分钟快三只需单击一次,只需存储工作一次,所有将来的控制测量都可以完成。将数据发送到云,并立即在手机或平板电脑上查看更新的图表和报告。

Q3: Is GeoMoS Now! Survey Edition a web based application?
绝对,Leica Geomos现在!是一个基于Web的应用程序,可以通过几个简单的步骤通过任何基于Web的设备提供全面的时钟访问监视项目数据。它为具有Internet连接的每个设备提供了监视数据的即时处理和可视化。
Nevertheless, in case of critical or confidential monitoring projects, this solution is also available on premises version without cloud connection.

Surely, we understand the importance of choosing the right solution and the best way to do this is to test the product yourself, so we are offering free trial licenses which you can obtain by getting in contact with us through LINK or your local representative.


现在,Leica Geomos!Monitoring Service
Leica Geomos监视解决方案
现在,Leica Geomos!调查版



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