



Harvard Stadium, which was completed in 1904, gained National Historic Landmark status in 1987. It was the first of many college football stadiums built in a U-shaped Colosseum style and the first construction using reinforced cast-in-place concrete on such a scale. As expected for a 100+ year old building with a pioneering construction technology, there is on-going corrosion to be contended with and the resulting maintenance costs are high. Its owner, Harvard University, needs to make annual decisions about the maintenance budget. In 2018 Harvard contracted structural engineering firm西尔曼咨询。为了指导哈佛对体育场的生命安全做出适当的决定,西尔曼制定了定制的材料测试和监测策略。这包括Leica Geosystems总站和软件,该系统收集了亚博5分钟快三有关建筑物性能的实时数据,以告知有关地标的未来的建议。



Harvard Stadium is significant both culturally and architecturally. The dimensions of the stadium were even a factor in the evolution of American football. In 1906, a committee of colleges and universities met to set rules to make the early game safer and one suggestion was to make the pitch wider. The Harvard Stadium however was recently finished and could not be widened. Thus, the proposal was rejected in favour of allowing forward passing. A landmark piece of architecture, the Stadium is the first vertical concrete structure to use reinforced structural concrete. Lewis Jerome Johnson, professor of civil engineering at Harvard was the engineer responsible for the innovation at the time.

体育场受到了极大的喜爱和访问。但是,如果无人看管,它可能会成为维护和确保安全的昂贵建筑物。西尔曼(Silman)合伙人贾斯汀·丹·赫德(Justin Den Herder)解释说:“由于这种建筑技术的含义,当时的工程师或承包商不知道这一点的重要问题。例如需要扩展关节,缺乏适当的重杆细节,结构元素或混凝土覆盖不足之间的销钉和联系,甚至混凝土本身的化学构成也被发现是有问题的。所有这些问题都对恶化的速度和水平产生了重大贡献。”

Monitoring the historic Harvard stadium: Leica Geosystems AG and Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers


Every year Harvard University needs to balance the value of the landmark with the cost of repair. The purpose of the monitoring project was to pursue an additional data-driven approach to decisions. Den Herder says, “Our role was basically to get more information through a combination of material and electrochemical testing as well as real-time optical and vibration monitoring to better understand the buildings seasonal behaviour and therefore help Harvard make a more informed decision about the future of the stadium.”

西尔曼与伴侣合作岩土仪器设计监视系统。它包括裂纹显示器,倾斜监视器,一个气象站和五个Leica Nova TM50总亚博5分钟快三站.Leica Geomos显示器用于数据获取和处理,Leica Geomos调整for the network adjustment and现在,Leica Geomos!用于数据可视化和分析。丹·赫德(Den Herder)解释说:“我们希望几乎实时监视建筑物,以了解其在不同的气象条件和不同的负载条件下如何扩展或收缩。Scott Kavalek,Geotech Instruments,选择具有成像功能的Leica Geosystems仪器,并“帮助我们定义了要监视的要点以实现这一目标”。


使用Microsoft产品通过岩土仪器处理裂纹和倾斜监测器的数据。亚搏彩票手机版下载相反,来自总站和天气数据的光学监视数据是通过Leica软件处理的。亚博5分钟快三Silman现在使用Leica Geomos!将数据分类为感兴趣的时间段,以查看体育场地区如何移动。该软件生成的图表被导出为易于阅读的报告,要与哈佛大学讨论。比较不同的监视组件使团队详细了解了建筑物的脆弱性。丹·赫德(Den Herder)说:“从光学监视结果解释地理系统数据的有用是,我们能够查明与建筑物其余部分相对于建筑物的移动更多的热点或建筑物的移动。”建筑物移动最多的区域可以与更多的裂缝和腐蚀相关联

Monitoring the historic Harvard stadium: Leica Geosystems AG and Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers

Making decisions based on the right information


Stewardship of a National Historic Landmark is a challenging role. Fans of the Stadium would want it to last as long as its Ancient Roman inspiration. Yet making a 100-year old building meet modern safety standards comes at a high cost. One that needs justification. As Den Herder at Silman says, “We would love to find a way to ensure that the Stadium can remain useful and safely occupiable, so that’s our goal. But ultimately, we just want to present the hard data and draw appropriate conclusions from the right information.”

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