

IDS Georadar in the Alps

Author:洛伦兹·迈耶(Lorenz Meier)

The risk of natural hazards and the associated damage are globally on the rise. Extensive protection structures are costly and may not prevent damage by themselves. Spatial planning and preventative measures have become the most important actions for successful civil and assets protection. Permanent monitoring of the specific hazard processes allows for early detection of an imminent risk or the continuous modification of the hazard situation. The potential damage caused by an event can be remarkably reduced with warning and alarm systems – if set up and used correctly.

The Swiss-based technology company Geopraevent is an expert in this field. Geopraevent develops, installs and operates customised alarm and monitoring systems for various natural hazards, such as avalanches (snow and ice), rock fall, debris flows or floods. The applied technologies include different types of radar, e.g. the interferometric radar supplied by Italy-based leading provider of Ground Penetrating Radar and interferometric technology solutions IDS GeoRadar. Geopraevent currently runs more than 60 systems globally, many of them in high mountain environments. Recently, one of them clearly demonstrated the ability topredict an imminent event and react early: the failure of the Trift Glacier on Weissmies situated above the village of Saas Grund in Switzerland’s region of Wallis


IDS Georadar in the Alps

Fletschhorn(3993米),Lagginhorn(4010 M)和Weissmies(4017 m)的著名峰会将SaaS-Valley与瑞士南部的Simplon Valley分开。从位于瓦利斯广州霍萨斯的缆车站很容易到达,魏斯米斯是该地区最常见的攀登峰之一。

2014年夏季,位于魏斯米斯西北部的Trift冰川显示出冰雪崩活动的增加。悬挂的冰川以前从下面得到冰的支撑,由于陡峭地区占主导地位的冰川质量损失而失去了稳定。瓦利斯当局的广州接近Geopraevent,要求监视冰川运动,以便在可能发生的冰倒入导致大冰/雪地雪崩的情况下实现早期行动。Geopraevent的专业工程师立即访问了测量地点,并向当地决策者和负责部门提供了glacier velocity data在安装当天晚上。

整合到岩土分析中的干涉雷达数据提供了判断情况所需的详细信息。干涉测量雷达是一种可靠的技术,用于短期或长期监测多个位移的尺度,无论可见性和天气条件如何。雷达以高精度测量空间分辨的变形速率。IDS GEORADAR IBIS FM雷达是交付的系统尽管高度需要进行大气校正,但实时的可靠和准确的位移数据。此外,在此位置安装了高清摄像头,如果天气不是问题,则被证明是自动长期变形分析的绝佳选择。


IDS Georadar in the Alps

尽管冰川上的湍流气氛有时会妨碍测量值,但每天都可以获得可靠的测量。为了说明高度可变的高山条件,Geopraevent添加了一个额外的处理步骤,该步骤在通过其通过其提供给客户之前验证数据的合理性online data portal。这为VAW/ETH教授的Martin Funk Group和当地的Geoformer GmbH的工程师提供了足够的数据解释现行危险对于悬挂冰川下方的区域。

“经过将近三年的连续雷达监测,统计数据表明,雷达在95%的天数上提供了可行的变形数据。雷达测量仅在大暴风雪中暂时失败,这是由于雪和雨引起的表面变化,”said Richard Steinacher, physicist and project leader at Geopraevent.

Compared to the rest of the glacier moving at about 10 centimetres per day, the unstable part initially moved at a significantly higher velocity of approximately 25 cm per day. Between 2014 and 2017, dozens of small and harmless ice avalanches could be predicted from the radar data usually a few days in advance.


IDS Georadar in the Alps

经过2。5年的成功操作后,2017年初的高分辨率摄像头取代了干涉范围,以进行视觉变形分析。该摄像机提供了出色的结果,该摄像机在允许的情况下跟踪了冰川每天的运动。摄像机分析揭示了从8月20日左右开始的冰川的明显加速Th。In the beginning of September, it was clear that the glacier would fail soon.

为了在夜晚和恶劣天气中提供速度数据,Geopraevent于9月7日重新安装了干涉范围Th。Velocities were on the order of 80 cm per day and accelerated to more than 2 m per day on Saturday, September 9Th。那天的崩溃预测表明,冰量高达4000万m3将在9月10日星期日清晨失败Th。因此,有220名SaaS Grund的濒危村庄部分被撤离。大多数不稳定如预测的那样,冰量崩溃了,在周日上午6点左右。幸运的是,冰的雷达干涉图揭示了十分钟之内的几小部分。没有造成损害,到上午8点。所有居民都可以返回家园。

Real time safety monitoring and long-term planning

IDS Georadar in the Alps

IDS GEORADAR IBIS-FM系统从空间或时间的角度收集有关斜率行为的定量信息。它为实时即将发生的失败提供可靠的早期检测警报,并在长时间内进行准确的地理参考输出,使用户能够将雷达数据整合到斜坡故障机制的岩土技术分析中

“The IBIS-FM radar accurately monitors multiple scales of displacements in real time, from early detection of slow movements to fast accelerations associated with slope collapse. The great operative range, up to 4500 metres allows to safely deploy the system in comfortably accessible areas without exposing people and equipment to hazardous zones,”said Paolo Papeschi, IDS GeoRadar GEO business unit manager.“Thanks to the most advanced automatic algorithms in the market, IBIS-FM delivers reliable and accurate data in all weather conditions. Monitoring experts can respond to slope hazards faster ensuring the safety of operators and the public.”

Geopraevent在2017年8月发生了巨大的山地滑坡之后,在瑞士Graubunden的伯格尔地区安装了IDS Georadar系统。在所有天气条件下检测毫米运动。雷达允许尽早预测新的摇滚并采取适当的措施;预计2017年9月15日的岩石秋季活动大约提前一天。


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