Anticipating the ice avalanche with radar data

Case Study

IDS Georadar在阿尔卑斯山

作者:洛伦兹·迈耶(Lorenz Meier)


总部位于瑞士的技术公司Geopraevent是该领域的专家。Geopraevent开发,安装和操作定制的警报和监视系统,以适应各种自然危害,例如雪崩(雪和冰),岩石跌落,碎屑流或洪水。应用的技术包括不同类型的雷达,例如基于意大利的领先地面穿透性雷达和干涉技术解决方案IDS Georadar提供的干涉测量雷达。Geopraevent目前在全球范围内运行60多个系统,其中许多在高山环境中。最近,其中一个清楚地表明了预测即将发生的事件并提早反应:Trift冰川在位于瑞士瓦利斯地区SaaS Grund村庄上方的Weissmies上的失败

Challenging monitoring task in an alpine environment

IDS Georadar在阿尔卑斯山

The well-known summits of Fletschhorn (3993 metres), Lagginhorn (4010 m) and Weissmies (4017 m) separate the Saas-Valley from the Simplon Valley in southern Switzerland. Easily accessible from the cable car station located at Hohsaas, in Canton of Wallis, the Weissmies is one of the most frequently climbed peaks in the area.


Interferometric radar data integrated into geotechnical analysis provides the detailed information required to the experts judging the situation. Interferometric radar is a reliable technique for short or long-term monitoring of multiple scales of displacements regardless of visibility and weather conditions. The radar measures spatially resolved deformation rates with high accuracy.IDS GEORADAR IBIS FM雷达is the system deliveringreliable and accurate data of displacements in real time despite the atmospheric correction needed in high altitudes。In addition, a high-definition camera was installed at this location and proved to be an excellent alternative for automatic long-term deformation analysis if weather is not an issue.


IDS Georadar在阿尔卑斯山

尽管冰川上的湍流气氛有时会妨碍测量值,但每天都可以获得可靠的测量。为了说明高度可变的高山条件,Geopraevent添加了一个额外的处理步骤,该步骤在通过其通过其提供给客户之前验证数据的合理性在线数据门户。这为VAW/ETH教授的Martin Funk Group和当地的Geoformer GmbH的工程师提供了足够的数据interpret the prevailing hazard对于悬挂冰川下方的区域。

”After almost three years of continuous radar monitoring, statistics showed that the radar delivered viable deformation data on 95 per cent of days. Radar measurements only failed temporarily during heavy snow storm due to surface changes caused by snow and rain,”Geopraevent物理学家兼项目负责人Richard Steinacher说。

与其余的冰川以每天约10厘米的速度移动相比,不稳定的部分最初以每天约25 cm的速度明显更高的速度移动。在2014年至2017年之间,通常会提前几天从雷达数据中预测数十个小而无害的冰雪崩。


IDS Georadar在阿尔卑斯山


To provide velocity data also during night and bad weather, Geopraevent re-installed the interferometric radar on September 7th。速度为每天80厘米,9月9日(星期六)每天加速超过2 mth。那天的崩溃预测表明,冰量高达4000万m3would fail in the early morning of Sunday, September 10th。因此,有220名endangered village part of Saas Grund were evacuated。大多数不稳定ice volume collapsed, as predicted,在周日上午6点左右。幸运的是,冰的雷达干涉图揭示了十分钟之内的几小部分。没有造成损害,到上午8点。所有居民都可以返回家园。


IDS Georadar在阿尔卑斯山

IDS GEORADAR IBIS-FM系统从空间或时间的角度收集有关斜率行为的定量信息。它为实时即将发生的失败提供可靠的早期检测警报,并在长时间内进行准确的地理参考输出,使用户能够将雷达数据整合到斜坡故障机制的岩土技术分析中

“ IBIS-FM雷达可以实时准确监测多个位移的尺度,从早期检测到缓慢运动到与斜坡塌陷相关的快速加速度。伟大的手术范围,最多4500米,可以安全地将系统部署在舒适的可访问区域,而无需将人员和设备暴露于危险区域,”IDS Georadar Geo业务部门经理Paolo Papeschi说。“由于市场上最先进的自动算法,IBIS-FM在所有天气条件下都能提供可靠和准确的数据。监测专家可以更快地对斜坡危害做出反应,从而确保操作员和公众的安全。”

Geopraeventalso installed an IDS GeoRadar system above Bondo in the region of Bergell, in Canton of Graubunden, Switzerland, after a massive landslide occurred in August 2017. The radar, installed on 3 September 2017, monitors the Pizzo Cengalo permanently anddetects millimeter-movements in all weather conditions。雷达允许尽早预测新的摇滚并采取适当的措施;预计2017年9月15日的岩石秋季活动大约提前一天。


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