Capturing Chinese high-speed rails

Case Study

Author:Jing-long Xie


对于铁轨设计,建筑和维护是必不可少的。中国铁路设计公司(CRDC)是一家大规模调查和设计顾问企业,已调查和设计超过40,000 km of rail, including 7,500 km of HSR。Surveying and mapping this large extension of rail brings challenges to surveyors and engineers. To overcome them, CRDC experts rely on the Leica Pegasus:Backpack wearable mobile mapping system to capture railways.


Capturing Chinese high-speed rails

独特的可穿戴现实捕获传感器平台彻底改变了亚博ag真人规律CRDC的传统调查方法。With the Pegasus:Backpack’s two LiDAR scanners and five high dynamic cameras, the team is improving efficiency by generating an accurate, fully-registered and colourised 3D point cloud model of the rail environment, even in GNSS-denied areas thanks to the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) positioning technology integrated in the reality capture platform.

The operator collecting the data turned on the Pegasus:Backpack and connected it to tablet to see in real time the data acquisition, images, LiDAR units and GNSS signal strength. With no need of using targets, CRDC surveyors walked and biked along the Shenyang rail collecting密集的3D点云和清晰的图像,不必担心GNSS覆盖范围。One person carrying the ergonomic and ultralight Pegasus:Backpackcompleted the survey planned route in one hour collecting data from inside of the rail tunnels and outdoors

“The Pegasus:Backpack is a very powerful measuring tool. I believe this will promote the reform of new measurement methods in the near future,”said Chun-xi Xie, rail survey department manager at CRDC.

Beyond hardware

Capturing Chinese high-speed rails


一旦收集了所有数据,专家团队带有全景图像的地理参与的3D点云to Leica Pegasus:MapFactory to extract coordinates and features for a wide range of rail applications including:

  • Produce topography models and plans of the area
  • Draw 2D plan of a railway viaduct in AutoCAD
  • Measure height and size of the high-voltage power towers near the railways
  • 测量涵洞的宽度和特征
  • 提取铁路电线杆的坐标
  • 创建铁路型号。

The core business of CRDC covers planning, survey and design, engineering consultation, and project management of rail. The workflow provided by Pegasus:Backpack solution fully meets CRDC’s accuracy and efficiency requirements for preliminary railway surveys, saving time, cutting expenses, and increasing four times the efficiency in comparison with the traditional survey methods.

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