
Leica Cyclone

Logiciel pour traiter, modéliser et gérer des nuages de points 3D.

Leica Cyclone Cloud

Portail Web de services cloud pour la famille de produits Leica Cyclone.

Leica CloudWorx

Applicatif de traitement de nuages de points pour les systèmes CAO.


Leica TruView

Partagez et visualisez librement les données des nuages de points via le web ou l'intranet.

Leica JetStream

Accès simplifié aux nuages de points et rendu ultra-rapide

Technologie Powered by JetStream

« Powered by Leica JetStream Technology » réunit des entreprises aspirant à améliorer les chaînes de capture de la réalité, du relevé des données à la création et à la fourniture de livrables aux clients.

Leica Map360

Leading software suite for forensic investigation.

Contact Solutions 3D

Prenez contact avec nos experts pour plus d'information sur nos solutions 3D.
Prenez contact avec nos experts pour plus d'information sur nos solutions 3D.

The High-Definition Surveyor - Blog

Learn how Leica Geosystems laser scanning solutions are helping professional to shape the future of our world.
Learn how Leica Geosystems laser scanning solutions are helping professional to shape the future of our world.

Reality Capture Newsletter

Click here to subscribe to our regular newsletter and stay up-to-date on all the latest reality capture news.
Click here to subscribe to our regular newsletter and stay up-to-date on all the latest reality capture news.


Join us as we provide an overview of various methods to leverage the newest features in Cyclone, for more efficient data preparation and streamlined delivery.
Join us as we provide an overview of various methods to leverage the newest features in Cyclone, for more efficient data preparation and streamlined delivery.

The CSI Effect HDS Webinar

The HDS product management team discuss and demonstrate the key aspects of our HDS solutions from the approach of traditional crime scene investigation response.
The HDS product management team discuss and demonstrate the key aspects of our HDS solutions from the approach of traditional crime scene investigation response.

HDS Total Software Solution Webinar

The software team and experts at Malcolm Hollis building survey consultants discuss strategies for streamlining the adoption and deployment of 3D laser scanning.
The software team and experts at Malcolm Hollis building survey consultants discuss strategies for streamlining the adoption and deployment of 3D laser scanning.

Cyclone REGISTER 360 Webinar

Learn how Cyclone REGISTER 360 can maximise registration ROI by bringing speed, scale and simplicity to any project with automated process and guided workflows.
Learn how Cyclone REGISTER 360 can maximise registration ROI by bringing speed, scale and simplicity to any project with automated process and guided workflows.