Leica HXMAPHigh-Performance Multisensor Workflow

Fastest, most intuitive post-processing workflow for airborne


通过引入HXMAP,统一的高性能多传感器工作流平台,Leica GeoSystems提供了行业一直在等待的内容:快速,直观,直觉和高效的后加工平台,可让您在一个单一的单一数据中生产所有已知的数据产品亚搏彩票手机版下载界面。

  • Saving you time and costs
  • 空前的数据吞吐量
  • Easily adaptable to your needs
    Create your personal post-processing workflow with one flexible and modular platform that can be customised to your specific application needs by adding software licenses only once you need them.

Leica HXMAP公共传感器后处理平台提供以下模块以满足您的需求:

  • HXMAP启用器:启用器
  • HxMap Provider: Ingest, Raw QC, Workflow Manager, Point Cloud Generator, Projection Engine
  • HXMAP核心图像:APM,空中三角剖分,Infocloud,Ortho Generator
  • HXMAP核心LIDAR:自动校准,注册,颜色编码,数据指标,LIDAR QC
  • HXMAP 3D Modeller:城市建模器,纹理映射器,3D编辑器,建筑物查找器

How does HxMap work?
Leica HXMAPintuitively guides you along a common processing workflow. Starting from data download, raw QC, data ingest all the way to the final product generation. Depending on the input data, additional steps like aerial triangulation, radiometric adjustments and LiDAR point cloud registration are available.


These features build the right solution for large oblique projects, country-wide orthophoto or LiDAR mapping for small engineering projects alike.

数据获取 +数据处理=机载现实捕获亚博ag真人规律
To reach highest efficiency the data acquisition has been tightly integrated with the post processing workflow. Thus, HxMap can be enabled for individual sensor types. For flexible production, scalable and application-specific software modules are bundled with the matching hardware, namely Leica RealCity, Leica RealWorld and Leica RealTerrain.

RealCity supports you with your smart city and 3D city modelling applications, RealWorld is designed for Leica RCD30 and Leica DMCIII large area imaging projects in 2D and Leica RealTerrain is particularly effective for LiDAR mapping. To get the most out of your HxMap installation we highly recommend including both Core Image and Core LiDAR for all of our hybrid sensors.


User Group Meeting 2022

了解纬度est airborne projects and technology trends while networking with peers from 7 - 9 September in Barcelona, Spain.
了解纬度est airborne projects and technology trends while networking with peers from 7 - 9 September in Barcelona, Spain.


Watch this on-demand Leica HxMap Webinar to learn more about the unified processing of airborne imagery and LiDAR data.
Watch this on-demand Leica HxMap Webinar to learn more about the unified processing of airborne imagery and LiDAR data.

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