

作者:Tommaso Santagata

陆地激光扫描(TLS)已用于地下调查已有十多年了,并且越来越多地用于洞穴的A勘探和研究中。虚拟地理机构的Tommaso Santagata维亚has recently usedLeica Geosystemslaser scanning solutionsin two cave surveys: an investigation of the morphological (form and structure) changes in the Lechuza salt cave in Chile and in the natural well ice cave in Italy.

Santagata解释了如何在洞穴环境中详细扫描可以洞悉洞穴环境中的物理变化,但“尽管大多数发生在洞穴中的过程相对较慢,但有些过程可能很快,例如洪水引起的侵蚀。这些地质变化可以通过陆地激光扫描调查来监测,并通过比较“前后” 3D模型来衡量。这是一个有趣的工具,可以随着时间的推移进行比较,因此越来越多地用于气候变化的研究。”

Measuring changes caused by flooding in the Lechuza cave (Cordillera de La Sal)

靠近智利村庄圣佩德罗·德·阿塔卡马(San Pedro de Atacama)是一个重要的洞穴,由寡西新世矿物沉积物岩石组成,被称为Cordillera de la Sal。Two surveys carried out in 2015 and 2018 allowed Santagata’s team to verify and measure small topographical changes in the cave due to a flood in 2017, which caused the river in the cave to flow and dissolve a measurable amount of halite - commonly known as rock salt.

2015年,对洞穴进行了完整的3D调查。La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche以及Trieste的Grotte Eugenio Boegan委员会。该团队使用Leica HDS7000基于阶段的激光扫描仪进行大约50次扫描。2018年,La Venta团队与博洛尼亚大学合作使用了Leica ScanStation P40进行68次扫描,包括在洞穴上游的外部峡谷中进行调查的大约200米,这是国家地理学会支持的研究项目“阅读盐洞”的一部分。


The natural well ice-rock cave monitoring project: measuring ice collapses

第二项研究涉及在意大利白云岩中最深,最庞大的洞穴之一,这是Cenote深渊的地下冰矿床。这座280米深的冰洞是在1994年因扇形,森恩斯和布拉伊斯地区公园突然排空的小湖而打开后发现的。该洞穴的垂直入口包括一个巨大的130米厚分层冰矿床;在充满冰的入口部分的下限,A轴打开 - 无冰和165米深 - 通向一个由洞穴岩石冰川占据的圆顶形腔室。

Laser scanning surveys carried out in 2015, 2016 and in 2018 allowed Santagata’s team to estimate variations due to collapses and acquire data for a complete monitoring project. The first expedition in October 2015 included a complete 3D laser scan survey of the final chamber using a HDS7000 phase-based laser scanner. This survey has provided the detailed volume of the chamber (420,000 m³) as well as a first record of the position of the ice masses hanging from the ceiling and of the rock glacier at the bottom. During this expedition and in subsequent ones in 2016 and 2018, other parts of the cave were 3D scanned using a ScanStation P40.


Point clouds were compared using two different methods: firstly we ran a quick comparison between the two datasets in order to understand where to focus our more detailed analysis. Secondly, we extracted several ‘slices’ of the areas of interest. We exported these areas for a complete digitisation, to have a better estimation of the volume of rock collapsed, about 61m³.”

Ongoing studies: Using 3D models to understand geological processes

研究表明,3D激光扫描是一种有用的测量技术,可突出自然结构的变化。获得的数据可用于帮助解释其他地质信息,Santagata说:“例如,通过比较Lechuza Cave研究突出显示的变化提供了有趣的数据,这些数据很容易与这两个调查活动之间的降雨相关联。。”

“In the case of the Cenote Abyss, the collapses probably occurred due to temperature variations, considering that the area is subject to oscillations between surface and cave temperatures recorded by temperature and air pressure sensors installed in the cave. A detailed environmental monitoring of this area of the cave is ongoing and the repeated 3D models will allow us to understand if these processes are important for the origin and development of ice caves in the Alps.”

Explore the projects in 3D:
Atacama 3D Models
Cenote 2018 Expedition
Cenote 3D模型

参与调查的关键人物:Tommaso Santagata(Vigea-虚拟地理机构和La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche),Umberto del Vecchio(Vigea-虚拟地理机构和La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche),乔·德·沃尔(Boolgna and La Venta大学),弗朗切斯科·索罗(Francesco Sauro)(博洛尼亚大学和拉文塔大学),斯特凡诺·法布里(Stefano Fabbri)(博洛尼亚大学/拉文塔大学)。

Lechuza洞穴探险是由La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche协会组织的,并在博洛尼亚大学的怪异系的科学支持下,并于2015年与委员会的Grotte E. Boegan合作。地理社会,并在康纳夫智利的支持下实现。Cenote Monitoring是一个多学科项目,与La Venta,Benea的合作以及Fanes Sennes和Braies的区域公园与Studio GST和Eli Friulia的合作组织,该项目是冰川内部项目的一部分。Gruppo Grotte Treviso和Gruppo Speleologico Padovano。


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Laser Scanning Industry Applications
