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作者:Christine Grahl

星期五下午的一个凌晨,元素6received a call. A client had a critical need for precise measurements for a fit-for-purpose evaluation.Element6能够在那天到来,获取信息,并在当晚提供可交付成果吗?

The Georgetown, Ontario, Canada-based boutique engineering consulting firm has built a reputation providing fast and cost-effective service to clients in the specialty chemicals industry, so it's used to handling time-sensitive requests, but this was the tightest deadline the firm had ever encountered. Still, Rob Jickling, Element6’s Consulting Principal, didn’t hesitate. He told his team to get ready.

下午3点,客户确认他们需要元素6。一个小时后,Element6在现场。加拿大工业工厂解决方案地区和美国北部地理系统的区域经理格雷格·施耐德(Greg Schneider)也为该项目提供了支持。在初次通话后仅12小时后,到凌晨1点,Element6将请求的数据交付给客户端。

传统上,满足这类请求将花费数周的时间,需要大量劳动。但是元素6依赖于瘦弱,fully digital approach to plant engineeringand design that makes all the difference when time is of the essence.


元素6works fast with one goal in mind: client success.

“Most people in the engineering business think about engineering,” says Jickling. “We focus exclusively on getting that end result for our clients. They might want to make money, save money or reduce risk. Maybe they want to improve productivity or introduce new products, or maybe they’ve got health and safety issues they want resolved. Whatever their objective, that is our goal.”

To deliver low-cost, high-quality, high-speed service, the team uses an他们称为虚拟植物设计(VPD)的全数字方法。该公司始于由高准确的激光扫描捕获的,该量的数字点云开始,这有助于他们快速找到有关植物翻新,工艺优化,新设备安装或客户面临的任何挑战的问题的解决方案。

元素6uses an all-digital approach called Virtual Plant Design (VPD) to deliver low-cost, high-quality, high-speed service.

Using its lean workflow, the company works so fast that it sometimes has to wait for clients to catch up and provide feedback on the proposed solution. Clients who are used to traditional blueprints and CAD modelling work are stunned by how quickly Element6 can provide high-quality engineering consulting, performing work in weeks or even days that would traditionally have taken months, with deliverables that are much more comprehensive and informative.


Element6的激光扫描技术使这一切成为可能。虽然一些工程咨询公司更喜欢在需要的基础上租用其技术,但Element6从战略上投资了多个扫描仪,包括专业级的Leica ScanStation P30 P30,一个Leica BLK360 Imaging Laser Laser Scanner,以及最近的两个Leica RTC360 Portcable Portc360 Portcable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable Portable,自动化的高速激光扫描仪,可在不到两分钟的时间内使用高动力范围(HDR)图像捕获完整的扫描,并自动使用Cyclone Field 360进行扫描。该公司还处理自己的Point Cloud Cloud使用Leica Cyclone软件以及Jetstream和CloudWorx进行处理,以便于CAD集成,以及truview,可轻松可视化。

购买该技术而不是租用它已使Element6成为捕获和使用Point Clouds的专家,这又使该公司可以为客户提供意外的好处。例如,在传统的方法中,将进行初步咨询,然后进行提案,然后返回现场以捕获工作中的条件,然后才能开始工作。相反,元素6通常带来其RTC360激光扫描仪之一


使用Leica RTC360激光扫描仪提供高速扫描的能力使Element6可以显着减少项目周转时间。

Laser scanning integrity allows for an innovative business model


When Jickling founded Element6, he wanted to create a business centred around accountability and a results-oriented approach. Element6 spends time up front identifying exactly what the client needs and then sets a price based on the service that will be required—not the amount of time required to complete the work.

该固定价格模型从根本上设置了Element6与其他工程咨询公司不同。“我们没有激励花更多的人在做事。”吉克说。“We’re incentivised to get the project done as quickly and productively as possible.”

该商业模式不断地挑战该公司寻找新的方法,以更快,更具创新性,并更加专注于满足客户的需求。在做出技术决策时,Element6不仅仔细考虑了硬件的功能,还要考虑完整的现场工作流,制造商提供的支持和创新的往绩记录。“Leica Geosystems has industry-leading hardware, but it also has a fully integrated workflow and a commitment to reliable service and continued innovation,”吉克说。“我们依靠Leica Geosystems作为合作伙伴,可以帮助我们保持领先地位。”


Point clouds provide real-time intelligence




“为什么要创建一堆蓝图?”吉克说。“模型在这里,所有信息都在这里 - 为什么有人要花钱创造纸张?我们正在与工厂所有者和EPC承包商合作使用技术来提高他们的游戏,从而降低成本并大大改善结果。”


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