Leica AP20 AutoPole



Leica AP20 AutoPole是我们机器人总站的独特且提高生产率的智能解决方案,它删除了您的数字调查工作流程中的最后一个模拟步骤。亚博5分钟快三易于使用的AP20载体节省了在现场花费的时间,并减少了办公室中繁琐的后处理校正,并具有三个强大的智能功能,可以改变您的工作方式。
这conditions on your worksites are dynamic and variable, and the AP20 AutoPole makes it easier to navigate challenges by allowing measurements with a tilted pole, providing automatic height readings and enabling target search and locking. Easily overcome on-site obstacles by adjusting the height and tilting the pole to reach a hidden point, quickly re-establish line of sight and relock to your robotic total station, even when multiple surveyors are working simultaneously – all with the confidence that your measurements have been accurately recorded. With the AP20 AutoPole, you can continue and complete your tasks with fewer mistakes, high reliability and higher productivity, minimising rework and delays.


提高生产率和效率倾斜补偿, which removes the need to level the pole. Measure and layout more points per day, conveniently and comfortably, while maintaining high job standards with control and clarity over the point quality. The Tilt Compensation feature allows point measurements with an arbitrary aligned pole, and therefore increases flexibility and productivity in the field to enable even upside-down and nearby hidden point measurements.


节省时间并从手动高度读取和手动输入中消除错误,这些错误通常是错误的,甚至完全错过了。电流functionality will update the height for you automatically as the pole height changes to ensure reliable and accurate measurements. This removes the need to read, check and enter height changes, and eliminates time consuming post-processing effort to fix incorrectly entered or forgotten target heights. Less time spent for adjustment, more time to work!


Be unstoppable using the Leica AP20 AutoPole with the靶标特征!自动目标搜索,标识和锁定目标可以防止锁定外国目标,并避免在繁忙的站点上发生的工作中断。TargetID使总站或多站可以在搜索过程中即时识别目标。这样可以防止锁定其他目标,当有几位测量师同时在繁忙的位置工作,从而增加了您在杆上的手术时间时,尤其重要。

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Check out the Leica AP20 AutoPole for construction

