
Tyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG及其前身公司已经活跃于杜伊斯堡的核心地点已有120多年的历史了。该公司及其子公司提供各种钢铁加工领域。因此,各个位置在环境影响方面设定了基准,而不仅仅是在德国。该公司活跃于环境可持续保护。在这种情况下,由于法定要求,两年前制定了该任务,以使用现场比较过程和其他有价值的保存和护理数据来完成公司GIS的整个Duisburg树木人口。


为了在经济上执行此任务并在合理的时间内完成此任务,决定在项目开始之前与Frox IT工厂制造的图形现场书籍FX收藏家合作。硬件平台由Panasonic ToughPad FZ-G1组成,该FZ-G1与Leica Zeno GG03 GNSS Smartantenna和Leica CS25 GNSS Plus配有Helix Antenna。

The objects to be recorded were identified with the highly accurate Leica Zeno GNSS SmartAntenna and composed using the numerous FX Collector available drawing functions. In addition, mixed methods were used; the rapid interaction of the FX Collector was used in combination with the Leica Zeno GNSS SmartAntenna. This method quickly provides position data auxiliary points, which are then used to construct hard-to-reach objects on the tablet.

All background data (aerial photographs, Web Map Service, CAD data) were stored in geo-referenced format in the FX collector. Examining surfaces and existing trees, measurement of the pipe supports as well as the orientation of the location were thus greatly simplified. It was thus possible to create the extensive dataset quickly and in high quality.

“ Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG对FX收集器,Leica CS25 GNSS Plus和Leica Zeno GG03 Smartantenna的组合完全满意,” Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG的Dipl.-Eng。KlaudiusDrass说,以及负责IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-IN-IN房屋GIS。“与常规现场比较方法相比,效率提高了约30%。”


In particular, the Leica CS25 GNSS plus in combination with the helix antenna offers reliability, ease of use, mobility, and delivers sub-decimetre accuracy. The Panasonic Toughpad FZ-G1 with the Leica Zeno GG03 SmartAntenna on the pole was used in all other areas where higher accuracy was required.

The project was backed up on site to the cloud daily so preliminary results could be available immediately to office staff. FX Collector's Session feature was used in this context to allow the data to be exported on a daily basis without having to create a new project each day.

结果以数字形式提供。树一个nd pipe supports were exported using FX Collector's table-driven interfaces so that they could be read directly into ThyssenKrupp's GIS system. The changed green spaces as well as the new green spaces were replaced or supplemented in GIS.

“防风雨CS25 GNSS Plus对雨,风和污垢具有抵抗力。电脑和天线整天都很容易携带。” Drass说。“电池持续了一整天,由于充电期很短,在早晨被充满电。“固定”解决方案的实现非常“快速” - 几乎没有等待时间。”


“ Leica CS25 GNSS Plus为FX收藏家提供了一个很好的平台。Leica Zeno GG03 Smartantenna通过蓝牙与这两个片剂相连。测量很快就很容易,并且在短时间内返回了固定位置。” Drass说。“使用GNSS和众多设计功能测量的辅助点快速处理阴影区域。”



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