Sustainably maintain and protect trees using GIS

Tyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG及其前身公司已经活跃于杜伊斯堡的核心地点已有120多年的历史了。该公司及其子公司提供各种钢铁加工领域。因此,各个位置在环境影响方面设定了基准,而不仅仅是在德国。该公司活跃于环境可持续保护。在这种情况下,由于法定要求,两年前制定了该任务,以使用现场比较过程和其他有价值的保存和护理数据来完成公司GIS的整个Duisburg树木人口。


The right equipment saves time
为了在经济上执行此任务并在合理的时间内完成此任务,决定在项目开始之前与Frox IT工厂制造的图形现场书籍FX收藏家合作。硬件平台由Panasonic ToughPad FZ-G1组成,该FZ-G1与Leica Zeno GG03 GNSS Smartantenna和Leica CS25 GNSS Plus配有Helix Antenna。

使用高度精确的Leica Zeno gnss smartantenna鉴定了要记录的对象,并使用众多FX Collector可用绘图功能组成。另外,使用了混合方法。FX收集器的快速相互作用与Leica Zeno GNSS Smartantenna结合使用。该方法很快提供了位置数据辅助点,然后将其用于在平板电脑上构造难以到达的对象。

所有背景数据(航拍照片,网络地图服务,CAD数据)均以FX Collector的地理参考格式存储。因此,检查表面和现有树木,对管支架的测量以及位置的方向进行了极大的简化。因此,可以快速和高质量地创建广泛的数据集。

“ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG is totally satisfied with the combination of the FX Collector, Leica CS25 GNSS plus and Leica Zeno GG03 SmartAntenna,” said Klaudius Drass, Dipl.-Ing Geography at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, and the person responsible for the in-house GIS. “Efficiency was increased by about 30 percent compared to conventional field comparison method.”

It was advantageous to work with the graphic field book, especially in the densely wooded areas. It’s the most efficient method for allowing continuous on-the-spot visual checks to be made regarding the completeness of the data. The advantage of the system is the high degree of mobility and the fact that the system can be operated without cumbersome field sketches, additional maps or additional equipment.

特别是,Leica CS25 GNSS Plus与螺旋天线结合使用,可靠性,易用性,迁移率和可提供亚级别的精度。在需要更高精度的所有其他区域中都使用了带有Leica Zeno GG03 Smartantenna的松下pad FZ-G1。

该项目每天都在现场备份到云中,因此可以立即向办公室工作人员获得初步结果。在此上下文中使用了FX Collector的会话功能,以允许每天导出数据,而无需每天创建一个新项目。

结果以数字形式提供。使用FX Collector的桌子驱动界面导出树木和管道支架,以便可以直接读取到Thyssenkrupp的GIS系统中。改变的绿色空间以及新的绿色空间被替换或补充GIS。

“The weatherproof CS25 GNSS plus is resistant to rain, wind and dirt. The computer and the antenna were easy to carry throughout the day,” said Drass. “The batteries lasted all day and were fully charged by morning due to the short charging period. The ‘fixed’ solution was achieved extremely ‘quick’ – there was hardly any waiting time.”

Reduction of office work to a minimum
A large portion of the planning preparation was conducted in the field, reducing post-processing in the office to a minimum due to the standardised high quality of recorded data. The office staff was able to import the data quickly and easily into the client's GIS. This further emphasises the efficiency of the entire process.

“The Leica CS25 GNSS plus offers a good platform for the FX Collector. The Leica Zeno GG03 SmartAntenna was connected with the two tablets via Bluetooth. Measuring was done quickly and easily, and a fixed position was returned within a short period,” said Drass. “Shaded areas were processed quickly using measured auxiliary points via GNSS and the numerous design features.”

Written by Johannes Grösbrink


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