Justin Barton – a technology pro and advocate for reality capture in heritage

了解为什么贾斯汀·巴顿(Justin Barton)在2019年40岁以下的40名非凡地理空间专业人士中提名

贾斯汀巴顿8月份第一次看到他的点云2004 during his undergraduate archaeology studies at UC Berkeley. After 15 years, he is still amazed by the results of this technology and how customers apply reality capture for a myriad of applications.

利用他10年的倡导者进行陆地激光扫描的经验CyArk这是一家非营利组织,创建了遗产站点的数字记录和具有历史意义的作品,Barton于2014年加入了Hexagon GeoSystems的现实捕获部门,成为软件产品经理。亚博ag真人规律亚搏苹果app

“我很高兴有机会尝试一些新事物,并将我独特的以遗产为中心的客户体验带入餐桌上。”said Barton.“作为一名产品经理,这给我带来了极大的快乐和满足感,可以向更好,更快,更高效,更智能的工作流程迈进,以获取有用和有价值的信息。”

Shaping heritage preservation

Modern humans, from a biological evolutionary perspective, evolved in a range from 90 to 200 thousand years ago. The span of written human history only dates back to a little more than 5,000 years ago and, for some regions, recorded history is considerably more limited to a more recent period.

Interpreting the often inaccurate and incomplete written history relies on archaeological research. Reality capture technology helps archaeologists to fully document and digitise heritage in accurate 3D models, providing actionable and visualised data.


“Understanding heritage is like therapy for our collective selves – you have to know who you really are with a deep dive into your past if you want to improve and appreciate your own growth,”explains Barton.“I think, realising our follies and understanding our potential is key for our greatest, best, and smartest future. And to me, heritage preservation is key to that.”

“Leica Geosystems encourages me to pursue my own passions”

From the first-ever 3Dsurvey of Mount Rushmore National Memorial为了在悉尼歌剧院的数字保存中,巴顿一直在不断挑战自己。

The heritage preservation advocate is working full time while doing a PhD part time at The University of Queensland. Merging his passion for heritage with work at Leica Geosystems is both filling and continuously rewarding. For his outstanding achievements and passionate attitude, xHyt magazine nominated Barton among the40岁以下40位非凡的地理空间专业人员in 2019.

“Leica Geosystems has been very supportive and a phenomenal resource for my career development. The company has been accommodating when I need time to travel for my fieldwork;他们协助我与偏远地区的本地销售团队和客户建立联系,以便我可以在本地租用或借用设备进行研究。即使是我们的分区总统,也经常向我询问我的进度,并向我发送他在假期访问的遗产的照片,”concludes Barton.“And all thanks to Leica Geosystems’ desire and interest in nurturing, grooming and growing their employees.”

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