Measure What You See — How New GNSS Technology is Helping Surveyors Improve Efficiency


Author:安妮·皮特卡宁(Anne Pitkaenen)

Many variables can complicate a surveyor’s job. Measuring a point where the view to the sky is limited can be difficult. Surveyors often face a race against time to survey a site before the first foundations are laid.

Improving efficiency is often the first step toward a more profitable business. Whatever challenges you face on-site, relying on fast and accurate surveying equipment helps overcome hurdles easily.

Capturing hard-to-access or obstructed points


You might, for example, need to map a point of interest on the other side of a busy road. Crossing roads safely is difficult, and blocking the traffic consumes time at the site. Another common challenge is obstructed points. Take, for instance a point under an overhanging canopy. Without a view to the open sky, measuring with a traditional GNSS rover will be a challenge.

在大多数情况下,对于大多数常规的RTK流浪者,您别无选择,只能使用其他设备(例如Total Station或Disto™)来测量该点。

There’s nothing wrong with this approach. It works. But the additional equipment needed means more to transport between sites, longer set-up and processing times and extra costs — all of which slows you down.

凭借其集成的相机,新的Leica GS18I makes this process far simpler. When faced with a hard-to-reach point, like our canopy example, there’s no need to try and reach it with other means. The GS18 I allows you to walk alongside the structure capturing images as you go. These images are used to measure survey-grade points, which can be further processed into a point cloud. Also, the GS18 I automatically defines the position and orientation of the images, making them ready to use for measuring instantly in the field.


Accurately mapping hundreds of points, whether the entire façade of a building or several pipes crossing in a trench, can be time consuming. This is particularly true if the tool you use measures the structure point-by-point, as is the case with some conventional RTK rovers.

The GS18 I is capable of capturing the site in images as you walk. These images can be used in the field or office for measuring points in them. This means even vast structures, which would typically have taken hours to measure can be captured much more quickly and efficiently. Also, you never miss measuring a point.

You don’t have to return to the site to measure additional points because you can measure them from the images even when new needs for points arise.

在办公室中,可以在较大的屏幕上方便地使用Leica Infinity Office软件来测量点。总的来说,办公时间比现场的时间便宜 - 天气没有干扰和挫败感,风险较少。


某些成像GNSS系统不允许您查看现场正在做的事情。那些将GNS与摄像机一起使用但没有视觉定位技术的系统,例如在GS18 I中,通常需要在办公室进行处理,然后才能用于测量。这意味着等待返回基地检查您是否正确捕获了所有内容。

This just isn’t practical. If you’re visiting multiple sites in a day, you need to be able to review and upload work on the go and ensure you have everything you need before continuing to the next job. Anything else risks multiple site visits to correct errors, having a negative impact on your productivity.

GS18我更有效地处理了这一点。当您使用GS18 I的视觉定位时,它会自动定义图像的位置和方向,从而准备好用于测量。另外,无需在多个图像上选择一个点 - GS18我会自动匹配该点。您需要做的就是选择点并点击度量以立即计算坐标。

This means no waiting until you’re back at base to check whether you have mapped everything you need and the quality matches the project requirements. With the GS18 I, everything is available instantly. So, you can access the quality of the results on-site and leave the rest of the measuring for the large screens back at the office.

Points can be reviewed at the scene, cutting down the risk of mistakes. You don’t need to return to site to correct mistakes or delay a project while you wait to return to the office.


测量师可能总是会在其项目中面临并发症,但是正确的技术肯定会使事情变得更容易。视觉定位技术正在为仅与传统的GNSS Rover相关的许多要点提供访问。而且,使用GS18 I,测量师现在拥有一个更简单,更有效的工具来处理他们在现场遇到的任何东西。

Tackling inefficiency in your surveying business starts with your equipment. And the GS18 I provides an answer to many of the common problems that cause it. Get everything you need to start transforming your business in a single, easy-to-use device.

什么是Leica GS18 i?

The Leica GS18 I is the most versatile survey-grade GNSS RTK rover, allowing you to measure remote points from images or to measure with the pole tip. It has all the same functionalities as GS18 T but with added Visual Positioning technology. Visual Positioning technology, sensor-fusion combining GNSS, IMU and a camera allows users to reach previously inaccessible or obstructed points safely and efficiently.

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