
彼得·格鲁克(Peter Glueck)explains how to remove unwanted points from moving objects by using the double scan feature

根据市场的反馈,扫描仪P系列的最新固件发布现在包括创新的双扫描功能,该功能最初是在Leica RTC360激光扫描仪推出的情况下实施的。

双重扫描功能首先是在推出时引入的RTC360 3D现亚博ag真人规律实捕获解决方案in June 2018. Since its first introduction, feedback from the market proved the feature to be a huge success, therefore implementing it to the reputable扫描仪P40,P30andP50was a must.

Imagine you are working at a location where you need to document a façade. The project site is crowded with many pedestrians passing by, time is critical and you cannot wait for a quiet period to scan when there are less or no pedestrians. Typically, when scanning, these pedestrians create ‘ghost points’ which overlay the object of interest and need to be manually removed during the post-processing phase in the office. After the removal of these ghost points, they leave gaps of the missing points and are visible in the background of the final scan data.



With the Double Scan feature, you instantly increase productivity and confidence in the field knowing that the captured data will result in clean and complete point clouds. The manual clean-up effort in the post-processing phase is significantly reduced, saving you time which is critical to any project.

Watch the video to learn how the Double Scan feature works:

When can I start using the Double Scan feature?
现有和新的扫描仪P系列用户具有有效客户服务包(CCP)可以立即从双重扫描功能中受益。将激光扫描仪更新为最新的固件v2.90,可以通过我的世界客户门户。您还必须拥有最新版本的Leica Cyclone 9.4或Leica Cyclone寄存器360 1.6安装。

What’s next?
The introduction of the Double Scan feature for the ScanStation P-Series, certainly simplifies current scanning practices and it provides a robust and confident solution directly in the field. We continuously invest in such improvements based on customer needs and feedback from the market – there will be more to come, watch this space!

彼得·格鲁克(Peter Glueck)
Product Manager, Terrestrial Laser Scanning

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The Power of Scanning


The Power of Scanning


