Laser Scanning on the go

随着世界人口的增长和建筑和基础设施建设的全球变化,我们需要记录这种增长和变化的需求。这个新概念被称为可穿戴现实捕获传感器系统,它塑造亚博ag真人规律了测量专业人员如何理解和塑造世界中的世界。Leica Pegasus:背包是作为这一代新的可穿戴现实捕获传感器系统的一部分发明的,以应对日益增长的全球变化。亚博ag真人规律Prisma集团是第一家利用Pegasus:Backpack的公司。

Prisma集团总部位于荷兰,由三家公司组成:Prisma Meten,Prisma Geocensus和Prisma Van Steenis。该公司拥有多种专业,包括调查(铁路,基础设施,公用事业),工业(海上和陆上),GIS,水文学,测量测量,3D激光扫描,监视和移动映射。

Prisma Group一直是Leica Geosystems的品牌拥护者,依靠产生优质服务的优质产品。亚搏彩票手机版下载Prisma集团的目标之一是发展国际市场。随着3D激光扫描领域的快速发展,Prisma集团渴望与Leica Geosystems紧密合作,以实现其目标,并成为扫描领域的第一名。

Through a collaborative partnership, Prisma Van Steenis was the first 3D specialist in the Netherlands that produced a 3D scan with the Pegasus:Backpack at the rail tracks of Pernis Rotterdam, Netherlands. Leica Geosystems was approached by Prisma Van Steenis in November 2015 to help with this challenging project. The project came about as it was commissioned by the government for a rail contractor to firstly verify the principles of procurement and then to assess what materials, such as ballasts, sleepers and rails, were present. Prisma Van Steenis were commissioned to carry out the rail project.


There were many challenges working in a railway environment whilst trying to capture reality data during this project. From low-hanging electrical lines to constricted spaces around train cars, classical surveying methods can be extremely limited in this environment. Whilst working on the rail project, Prisma Van Steenis had to take the measurements whilst the yard was in use, and, therefore, there were real risks of collisions and a high risk to personal health and safety. By law, the risk area (the railway track) is not an accessible area for surveyors and is normally prohibited for inspections. Prisma Van Steenis needed a safe, quick and accurate solution to collect the point clouds and 360-degree pictures needed for this scanning project. The survey needed to be collected quickly to reduce cost and lead time.


The results of the project were compared with traditional terrestrial surveying, which took several days to complete, and the results from the Pegasus:Backpack were very impressive. The differences between the Backpack-scan and the digital measurements are about 3 centimetres on an absolute level, and the relative results are even better (mm level). The captured 3D data can be used to build a reliable design of a new rail track layout. The newer technology also allowed the measurement professionals to conduct the entire survey in three hours, that would normally take five days. There was also a cost saving of nearly 50 percent for the contractor. The advantage of scanning is that you capture the entire situation, so any forgotten detail can be obtained from the point cloud at a later date if necessary.

“Using wearable reality capture enabled us to realise many benefits over traditional surveying techniques,” said Prisma Director Klaas de Weerd. “With Leica Pegasus:Backpack, every spot in the rail yard was reachable. We also did not have to implement extra safety measures since there was no need for us to enter high-risks areas: we could simply capture the data from a safe distance. Finally, we saw great time savings due to error-free data acquisition in a baseline survey that will allow us to accurately monitor any changes to the design in the future.”

Written by Natalie Binder



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