Leica Geosystems突出显示了左旋旋风云和喷气流的主要新更新

SPAR 3D本周,在美国德克萨斯州休斯敦,Leica Geosystems正在展示其激光扫描软件产品线的新功能,以提供更好,更快,更完整的点云端​​到端解决方案。这是最新发展的概述。

Enabling multi-sensor integration

Leica Cycloneis already able to import and manage data from a variety of 3D and imaging sensor data sources. This capability is now more robust and diverse with new features to来自Dotproduct手持式扫描仪,Spheronlite外部高动态范围(HDR)摄像头的支持数据and the Leica Pegasus series of mobile mapping products.

Once in Cyclone, the additional data types become part of the complete workflow offered by Leica Geosystems HDSTM software, taking full advantage of Cyclone’s capabilities like registration or survey workflows, and migrating downstream to users’ favoriteCloudworx用于CAD和建模应用程序的插件,以及/或通过Truview和Truview Global

Leica Geosystems

Taking image processing to the next level


Once images are aligned to the scans, images can be colour adjusted to user preferences with the new HDR Tone Mapper, complete with fully adjustable settings for all the major HDR algorithms’ finesse for dynamic images.

现在,用户还可以利用所有这些图像数据增强功能JetStream, the industry’s leading data engine, because Cyclone has new ability to publish image data directly to JetStream ProjectVault. This brings use of background panoramic imagery to both the JetStream Viewer and the JetStream-enabled CloudWorx TruSpace tool, adding the dimension of immersive photorealism to reality capture’s fastest, most high-performance point cloud engine.

Expanding BIM toolsets for easier workflows

的Leica CloudWorx family of products has several improvements and additions to expand BIM workflow integration. A new steel fitter comes complete with catalogue support in CloudWorx for

Updates to CloudWorx for AutoCAD, Revit, MicroStation, andPDMSalso bring JetStream data compatibility to familiar CloudWorx’s fit section and flange work point tools. Now users can draw and model with CloudWorx’s full toolset with the benefit of full point cloud fidelity from handheld, terrestrial, mobile and aerial point cloud sources.

该条是在旋风和CloudWorx之间的BIM互操作性上提高的,以进行修订。Revit的CloudWorx具有深厚的新旋风对象交换(COE)集成。以旋风中的目录智能为模型的钢和管道可以作为COE进口并保持其智能。Revit中的用户建模可以使用CloudWorx导出COE数据并将其带入旋风。Cyclone可以通过出版物到Truview Global以简单,轻巧的格式以简单,轻巧的格式共享BIM数据。

Additionally the popular and powerful CloudWorx Clash Manager fromCloudworxfor Navisworks现在在CloudWorx Revit复制。的Leica CloudWorx Clash Manager brings point cloud to design model clash detection and clash management to Revit, including the industry’s first and only anti-clash tool for detecting build-out progress or deviations from design.

Promoting freedom in the representation of 3D data

Leica Geosystems

For more than a decade, TruView has been the standard for providing users the ability to see, measure, mark up, and share scanner data.

But TruViews have always been locked to the perspective of a scanner’s static setup locations. No more! One of Cyclone’s most powerful new features is the ability to publish TruViews from any user-defined point in 3D space.

用户可以设置TruView从一个精确的位置,我们er-defined height above the ground/surface, or from a current camera angle. These virtual TruViews bring a new freedom to representing 3D data, and a whole new level of utility to non-static 3D systems like Leica Pegasus scanners, DotProduct handheld scanners, or point clouds generated from UAVs.

在每个街道交叉路口添加一个曲折图飞马:两个, or inside a ceiling space to show HVAC systems modeled with CloudWorx for Revit and captured with a DotProduct scanner, or at a driver’s head position to show the exact driver’s view in a forensic case.

TruView and TruView Global become more powerful and more integral to every application and industry, sharing all of a user’s 3D data from any view.


徕卡呈HDSTM软件解决方案带来broad support for 3D point cloud and image sensors, with robust, full-featured toolsets for end-to-end solutions, and with finesse and control to meet users’ most dynamic and challenging needs.

See all the latest technology at the Leica Geosystems Booth 603 at SPAR 3D.

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