Nicolette Beggache - Troubleshooting to support customers


Nicolette Beggache

Nicolette Beggace对客户支持,技能,经验以及最重要的是,服务的心脏受到客户,同事和媒体的称赞。Nicolette是由XYHT杂志选择的定位和衡量专业人员的,作为其中之一40 under 40most remarkable geospatial professionals.

尼科莱特(Nicolette)或尼基(Nicky)称她的同事称呼她,从建筑CAD技术员,助理镇计划者到工程CAD经理,现在是英国Leica Geosystems的技术支持工程师。

While working as a CAD manager for an engineering recruitment company, Nicky encountered the potential of reality capture solutions when she first attended to a Leica Geosystems High-Definition Surveying (HDS) roadshow.

“我可以看到现实捕获将如何加快工作流程并为我以前工作的客户提供准确数据的无尽可能性。亚博ag真人规律我需要学习提高效率并将其传达给测量师的技能。客户在现场捕获数据,返回网站并进行帖子和质量检查的时间花费了无尽的时间。通过激光扫描这些访问将不需要,并且可以节省时间。我想成为创新并分享激光扫描的属性,”said Beggache.





“Geospatial technologies are one of the fastest growing industries with wonderful hardware and software developments. It is a cool way to be involved in advances that don’t just affect construction, but everything from transport, nature, cities to even industries that have not yet been developed. The possibilities are truly endless,”said Beggache.

Adding value beyond her duties, Nicky has become an advocate in social media spreading the benefits and endless applications of reality capture and geospatial technologies into cyberspace.

“Social media is an extremely powerful tool. 85 per cent of user choices are made by using social media as a research tool. When people re-share information, it creates a wonderful ripple effect. Ripples can eventually lead to waves and waves can shape even the hardest rocks over time. The most important thing is to get people talking, sharing and engaging with information that can shape the future,”concluded Beggache.


We offer attractive jobs all over the world, contact us for further career information.
We offer attractive jobs all over the world, contact us for further career information.

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We want to speak to talented individuals with integrity who will help us deliver our ambitions across all locations.
We want to speak to talented individuals with integrity who will help us deliver our ambitions across all locations.