

Author: Hazlinda Mohd Nuron

我的港口是一个通用货物港口,位于越南南部的BA Ria-vung Tau。自1993年以来运营,该港口旨在全年24小时为客户提供快速,有效和可靠的港口服务。当业主在获取港口的完整数据文档方面面临挑战时,Portcoast建议应用他们先前使用的技术:激光扫描以收集数据以开发端口的3D BIM模型。该港口的所有者委托了132米的主泊位和72米长的通道桥的检查报告,以及整个Phu My Port的3D激光扫描,包括院子,仓库和设施。通过扫描港口及其设施,目标是为业主提供整个站点的数字双胞胎进行持续检查和维护。


Portcoast是该地区最有经验的海洋,水路和运输基础设施的测量师之一。他们以准确性的声誉,在该地区执行类似项目时具有可靠的记录,例如附近的3D扫描Hyosung Vina Chemicals端口,Posco SSVN港口及其工作记和港口SITV。在该项目中,Portcoast的测量师负责检查和扫描整个端口,并为最终3D模型提供质量保证。

Requiring both accuracy at speed and range as well as the ability to access narrow, challenging areas, the team opted for a combined reality capture solution, including theLeica扫描仪P50对于远程扫描工作,Leica RTC360and theLeica BLK360。对于地形调查,现场的测量师使用Leica Nova TS60,,,,Leica GS18TandLeica Icon ICR80大地设备。

Thanks to its range of 1 km and accuracy of 1 mm, the ScanStation P50 was able to capture detailed, accurate data across large areas, fast. Meanwhile, the RTC360 and BLK360 laser scanners captured the isolated and inaccessible areas under the berth where operating a larger tripod-mounted 3D scanner was not viable. The flexibility of these smaller scanners meant the equipment could be securely lowered into place - a technique previously tried and tested when capturing the Hyosung Vina Chemicals port.

Virtual site visits


根据他们以前与技术合作的经验,Portcoast再次选择了Leica InfinityandLeica Cyclone办公软件充当站点和办公室之间的数字桥梁。仅需一秒钟即可传输现场和办公室的数据,团队可以实时查看数据,并与现场团队同步。

Portcoast的Hoang Hiep博士解释说,“ Leica GeoSystems设备可以帮助我们避免延迟现场数据处理,并使用Leica Geosystems的软件,我们可以在每次需要时检查这些点。有了新的总站和GNSS设备 - 场和办公室之间的流程是无缝的,帮助工程师减少了两个地方之间的时间。数据的高速和准确性就是为什么Leica Geosystems的设备是我们的首选。”

Using the data, Portcoast built the point cloud model for the whole port incorporating all the information from each element into the BIM model. The accuracy of data capture means the user can experience the project through VR/AR. The team is able to carry out quality checks on the locations to inspect details, such as the inclination and rotation angle around the vertical axis of the piles under the berth using the point cloud. Thanks to the precision of the model, the clients and site supervisors can now monitor all the survey data without visiting the construction site.

Building a legacy

Not only will the digital twin continue to add value long into the future, but in carrying out this work the team have also built a legacy of expertise in Vietnam. Portcoast’s pioneering approach has meant that several new Leica Geosystems devices, such as the Leica Nova TS60, Leica GS18 T, Leica iCON iCR80 have been used for the first time in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.


Portcoast的Hoang Hiep博士评论说,“Thanks to the durability and effectiveness of the Leica Geosystems products, combined with the training and support from Leica Geosystems, we have been able to save manpower costs on projects such as this. After the training course, we started using the equipment and are now able to pass this expertise on to others. We are training the whole team to ensure everyone in our company is fully informed about 3D laser scanning. To scan and process data are part of our everyday work at Portcoast.”




With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.