
A Message from the President


Take for instance Greenland. I spent some time there during my studies and fell in love with the country and its people, even though the remoteness and weather were challenging. As Qaqortoq Entreprenørforretning took on these challenges in constructing the country’s longest road, 3D excavation technology for machine control guidance helped them find productivity and efficiencies in a new way. Digitalisation isn’t just about gains, though; it also opens new opportunities. Grupo Toniolo Company not only took the opportunity to use digital machine control technology for the first time in the removal of 33,000 square metres of solid rock in the form of a cofferdam on the Madeira River in the Amazon of Brasil, they also used software for remote access connectivity directly to field operations. Through this connection, the firm was able to bring together its customer and onsite professionals in a new ecosystem of information sharing.

建筑行业的数字化带来了明智的变化,这将使该行业实现其全部潜力。在将数字技术组合为一种解决方案时,在德国的测量和地理信息中心办公室和Neureither博士实现了前所未有的速度和精度。当建造热浴的可移动钢屋顶时,使用多阶段可以使项目从减少工作负载的模拟计划中发生变化。Digital Digital还可以创建数字现实,建筑专业人员可以看到和理解网站上缺少的内容。使用激光扫描技术,Sertogal SL创建了一个完整的建筑信息模型(BIM),用于在西班牙进行电动变电站的重塑和扩展。在此数字现实中,该公司可以提醒利益相关者需要修订并进一步改善设计和最终布局。

Helping the construction industry move to smart digital sites to save time and resources is what we are all about. Enjoy your read.

Jürgen Dold

Juergen Dold
President, Hexagon Geosystems

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建筑物建设的数字化 - 与伯恩德·穆勒(Bernd Moeller)的问答

专家的见解解释了Leica Geosystems如何帮助连接建筑链的所有要素。



When electricity is on the line

Using an unmanned aerial vehicle for vegetation management

Building the longest road in Greenland


Building paradise with precision

Surveying and monitoring a thermal bad with a Leica’s MultiStation






Using 3D laser scanning for plant reports

Unveiling the past with reality capture



Creating digital maps with an airborne sensor in the United States.


Using precise GNSS to measure the highest mountain in England

Always comes in 3s



Leica Geosystems激光扫描解决方案提供了创建完整模型的基础

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