Increase surveying productivity with Leica Captivate through imaging and augmented reality

Leica Captivate授权Leica Viva TS16和Leica Nova TS60总数以及Leica Nova MS亚博5分钟快三60多站。这三种乐器都有一个共同点:全面的成像功能。本文以及一个更详细的视频,描述了成像和增强现实工作的工作以及这些功能如何帮助克服日常调查挑战,并节省时间和金钱。



Leica Captivate的成像功能使仪器可以在不透视望远镜的情况下进行转向和瞄准。使用集成相机的实时视图,可以使用仪器的显示器或在控制器上远程进行转向和瞄准。


As all design or measurement data can be overlaid as augmented reality on the live view, quality checks can be done in real-time during measuring.

Furthermore, safety can be increased by fully operating the instrument from a distance and eye fatigue caused by repeatedly sighting through the telescope is reduced.


Looking through the telescope is not possible due to the steep measurement angle. With the inbuilt camera aiming the instrument to a corner is quick and easy.

Increases speed: Image Notes, a complete electronic field book

Have you ever experienced situations like:

  • Important field information is not available back in the office
  • Field notes are incomplete
  • 一个重要的细节是缺少
  • 在时间压力很高的同时,无法正确引用草图?

Making field notes during surveying is often still done on paper, which is difficult to do in wet or windy conditions, and can easily become separated from the measurement data or become lost completely.

Captivate Sketching


Leica Captivate imaging and sketching tools can effectively help to overcome situations like that. By documenting points automatically with photos, those points can easily be identified back in the office. The Captivate Image Notes feature allows easy sketching directly onto the photos in the field. Any images can be directly linked to measured points, meaning field notes are nicely organised and saved along with the measurements. When transferred to the office all information is promptly available and makes the data processing much more efficient.

Reduces costly site returns: Creation of missing points in the office based on images

Another common situation: A measurement job is finished. Back in the office it turns out that an important point is missing. WithLeica Infinity以及Leica Captivate的成像功能,可以在几秒钟内解决此问题。唯一的要求是,从不同的设置中捕获了至少两个图像。基于这些图像,可以轻松,准确地创建任何缺失的测量结果。减少昂贵的现场收益的有效方法。

Create Points

Leica Infinity:此图形说明了两张照片中相同缺失点的选择,这些照片是从不同站点设置拍摄的,然后可以准确地计算出来。

Watch the video

如果您想了解有关Leica Caintivate的成像可能性的更多信息,请观看此视频。它详细描述了功能如何工作。

Paul Dainty

Paul Dainty, application engineer at
Leica Geosystems




