Fusing perception and reality

亚搏苹果appHexagon Geosystems总裁JürgenDold在美国拉斯维加斯的HXGN Live介绍了知觉

亚搏苹果appHexagon GeoSystems总裁JürgenDold在6月14日在美国内华达州内华达州拉斯维加斯的威尼斯宴会厅举行的HEXAGON年度国际会议HXGN Live上表达了认知。


感知 +现实=感知

HXGN Live Keynote“src=





这导致了感知 - 融合感知和现实。GeoSystems正在通过数字数据增强感知的业务,以实现更好的决策。这是使数字世界变得真实并提供数字现实的潜在基础,用户可以“以更高的质量和效率执行其出色的有远见的项目”。




随着Leica Spl100单光子激光雷(SPL)空气传感器的最新发行,可以用较高效率的因素来捕获和管理公用事业资产,例如传输线。Dold以2.5公里的高度以每小时300公里的速度捕获80点每平方英里,以2.5公里的高度捕获的电源线的示例。在相同条件下的传统激光雷达只能每平方英里3点。可以在SPL捕获中看到的细节很容易识别。


With the Leica CityMapper hybrid airborne sensor, oblique imaging and LiDAR data are combined to create detailed city models more efficiently and with higher quality. Especially through the new LiDAR embedded technology, customers are empowered to not only increase the speed of the 3D city modelling but also to map narrow urban canyons where traditional imaging based sensor technology are blind.

For plant managers, perceptality increases safety and decreases costs. In complex industrial facilities, billions are spent to keep track of assets. If even a small mistake is made at the beginning, the entire trajectory of the project can be off schedule, creating massive costs and significant time delays. Reality capture provides a means to avoid such costly mishaps.

With the new Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360, which was launched during the keynote, plant managers can now create digital representations of their intricate plants at much shorter times and with less labour involved.

Dold以西班牙能源公司Cespa为例,该公司用Leica ScanStation P40捕获了其设施。将设计与丰富的点云相结合,使CESPA可以在办公室的站点上看到设计冲突,而无需前往设施。平均而言,工厂经理正在意识到,实际节省数百万美元的现实世界节省的项目可节省1-2%的成本。



With Leica Geosystems' Incident Mapping Suite (IMS), scenes are not compromised and evidence will be documented in court ready documents. Dold explained a particular case of a shooting where laser scanning was able to provide a clear view of where shots were fired from and how. The captured point clouds allowed public safety professionals and court officials to digitally walk through the scene and analyse the path of the bullets, clearing conflicts between officer and witness testimonies.


With the new Leica BLK360 imaging laser scanner, a technology that was typically not used by the AEC sector before has now become accessible. Dold explained the creative process behind the BLK360 as being driven by the desire to democratise laser scanning by focusing on the creation of a simple, vibrant, connected and portable device that functions with the simple push of a button.



HXGN Live Keynote“src=

Dold concluded the keynote by exploring these boundaries of technology. He insisted Geosystems is moving beyond the limits to think of what has not been thought of before in a new way. He recognised barriers ahead of what has yet to be discovered while also acknowledging limitations in ourselves. He encouraged the audience to walk the bridge between perception and reality, developing visionary ideas while understanding the effects of the real world.

Dold亚搏苹果app说:“在Hexagon GeoSystems,我们正在建立桥梁,通过独特的现实捕获解决方案将现实世界转变为数字现实。我们正在通过支持云的技术提供互操作性,以使无数行业的认知能够为无数行业带来认知。”亚博ag真人规律“我们都在寻找更好的版本 - 更好的技术,我们的公司,我们自己的版本。我们在GeoSystems也在研究这些更好的版本,我们邀请您加入我们的这一旅程,前往您世界的更好版本。“


As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.
As of v7.0.1, Safari exhibits a bug in which resizing your browser horizontally causes rendering errors in the justified nav that are cleared upon refreshing.


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