Investing in the Leica GS18 I to deliver market-leading solutions

Customer story

VA Gruppen,GS18 I

在家族拥有的VA Gruppen AB,成功的一部分是学习新技术,并不断投资创新的工具,以向客户提供市场领先的解决方案。他们最近对LeicaGS18 I, a versatile GNSS RTK rover with Visual Positioning, has proved this principle and made a positive impact on the surveying speed, amount of data captured and workflow processes in their daily surveying tasks.

VA Gruppen的成功:专业知识,专门的员工和最新技术

VA Gruppen AB is a leading family-owned company with a high level of expertise in construction work and designing, building and maintaining water utility facilities. They complete their own surveying in-house for projects like digging pipes, finding that it saves costs and is more efficient for them and their customers.

We discovered that it is more flexible when we have our own surveyors and can prioritise jobs instead of waiting for a surveyor from an external company,弗吉尼亚州格鲁彭(VA Gruppen)的测量负责人马丁·霍尔姆克维斯特(Martin Holmqvist)解释说。


Another factor is VA Gruppen’s commitment to learning new technology and continuously investing in innovative instruments that will allow them to deliver market-leading solutions to their customers. To complete their surveying tasks, they use theLeica Nova MS60多阶段,Leica AibotUAV solution and the GS18 I.

The integration of the versatile GS18 I into their survey equipment toolkit has made a big difference in the daily work of employees like Oliver Vingren, who works as a Measurement Engineer at VA Gruppen.

There are projects where I have been able to halve the time thanks to the possibilities of Visual Positioning,” confirms Vingren.

Measuring with images offers expanded opportunities

Just like the GS18 I, Vingren is relatively new to VA Gruppen. He completed his survey engineer training in the spring of 2020, including internships where he used Leica Geosystems equipment. Vingren enjoys many aspects of the surveying profession, including working both in the field and the office and the chance to work with tools like the GS18 I that make capturing measurement data easier and more comprehensive.

GS18 I的视觉定位技术是通过相机,GNSS和IMU的组合来完成的,使测量师都可以用倾斜的杆子进行测量并从图像中进行测量。这两个功能极大地扩大了测量难以或危险的点的潜力。在...的帮助下Leica Captivatefield software, Vingren can measure points taken from recorded images directly in the field.

Simply put, the Leica GS18 I gives Vingren the opportunity to measure exactly what he sees. Attaching the GS18 I to a surveying pole and pairing it with theLeica CS20controller running Captivate, Vingren forms an effective one-man army on his measurement missions.

The opportunity to capture and measure the site with Visual Positioning provides several important advantages. It is fast to capture an area with images and easy to measure points that are obstructed. In terms of safety, I can eliminate all climbs into trenches. If the camera’s line of sight reaches the point, there is no reason for me to go there,” Vingren says.

Holmqvist expands on these benefits: “With the data from the GS18 I, we are able to later measure pipes that are already buried. It is also good to be able to walk along a pipe trench and provide images of the slope edge to the customer. It creates a better experience and is more efficient for the surveyor."


On cold, rainy, three-degree January days when Vingren needs to survey a site, he is grateful for the quick, comprehensive measurement capabilities of the GS18 I that get him back to the warm office, ready to review his data – data which is richer than in the past.

In the office, he switches from Captivate toLeica Infinity, which allows him to measure points or further process the data and create a point cloud.

In the point cloud, there is an incredible amount of information, which leads us to another advantage of the GS18 I,” explains Vingren. “If I need to do a volume calculation, pick out specific coordinates or something else, I do not need to go out and take new measurements.

Leica Geosystems’ cloud solutions also enable Vingren to visualise, validate and share captured data with his collaborators and stakeholders.

All the information I need can be extracted from the existing material, and if I need to share any information with my colleagues I can easily do it viaLeica ConX. The faster we get all the information, the faster we can solve the task for our customers,” Vingren concludes.

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