
Case study

一种uthor:Maribel Pros


In Spain,patrimonio nacional是负责管理和保存西班牙国家拥有的一些遗址和历史建筑的政府机构。Patrimonio Nacional需要创建西班牙最具标志性建筑之一的准确3D模型:马德里的皇宫。目的是生成建筑物内部和外部现状的统一数字记录,从而增加了建筑开始时至1738年的现有记录。

占领宫殿的项目,该项目比150万游客in 2017 and has more than137,500平方米,始于2018年夏。在公开招标之后,该项目被委托给跨国测量服务业务服务部Grupo ACRE. The proposal included the use of Leica Geosystems’ latest 3D laser scanning technology. In order to make the 3D model a reality, theLeica ScanStation P40陆地激光扫描仪与Leica BLK360, the world’s smallest and easiest to use imaging laser scanner.



这个雄心勃勃的项目分为两个阶段,并专门设计,以确保最大的精度和最小干扰空间的干扰。在第一阶段,现场扫描工作已使用BLK360和P40完成。一种总共5300次扫描被带走了,1,300 of which were captured by the BLK360 with an average of 40 scans per day. During the second phase, the data gathered by both devices was processed using狮子旋风软件,导致最终的统一点云。

The BLK360 is simple to use, especially in small spaces, meaning the same technician that conducted the larger data collection with the P40 could simultaneously use the BLK360 as a complement to access smaller spaces.“与仅使用P40相比,我们每日数据收集的效率最多提高了25%,”said Oscar Gonzalez, technical director at Grupo ACRE.

一种t a push of a single button, the BLK360 captured 360-degree High-dynamic-range imaging (HDR) and a每秒激光扫描360,000点. This produced extremely high levels of detail in the most confined spaces within the historic building, including its staircases.

通过部署Leica Geosystems的扫描技术,以前未知的数据和信息现已发现 - 例如,在此处的确切数量和窗户数量280-year-old building. This had, until now, remained a mystery as spaces were progressively modified and adapted since the initial construction to accommodate the different royal residents over the years.

Transforming the future of historical preservation

Transforming the future of historical preservation

这个项目产生t的一个更新的平面图he Royal Palace sets the standard and precedent for plans to digitalise more historical buildings across the country. Patrimonio Nacional now has a unified and millimetre-accurate floor plan of this historic building, not only to document its history, but also guide its upkeep and preservation in the future.

“Museo de La Real Armería,” ground floor of the Royal Palace. To obtain this level of detail 20 scans in different parts of the room were completed with the Leica P40.

1,217 scans were processed in Leica’s Cyclone software for delivery to Patrimonio Nacional. Above you can see the 97 outdoor scans completed across the courtyard and roof. In all, 817 P40 scans and 400 BLK360 scans were used to capture the Palace.

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