Leica Rugby 640G – Green Beam Rotating Laser

Versatility inside and outside

Rugby 640G

When levelling and aligning in and around buildings, red beams can be difficult to see. Leica Rugby 640G green beam rotating laser enables you to easily see wherever you are working.

This universal, multipurpose laser provides the best beam visibility and functionality for interior and exterior applications. From installing drywall to working on suspended ceilings and raised floors, the new, bright green beam ensures you don’t miss the mark.

The green beam uses the latest in green diode technology, visible up to 30 metres without a receiver. An IP 67 protection and up to 60 hours operating time make these lasers the most trusted and rugged choice for any interior project.

Rugby 640G is delivered with theLeica Rod Eye 120克具有数字读取能力,可方便偏置读数和出色的操作范围。通用橄榄球640克也可以在户外可靠,即使在冰冻温度下也是如此。

You are PROTECTed

Coming standard withLeica Geosystems保护服务,橄榄球640G和Rod Eye 120G拥有终身保修和三年的无费用期。

Leica Rugby CL系列

Easy-to-use Military Grade rotating lasers that can endure whatever you go up against.
Easy-to-use Military Grade rotating lasers that can endure whatever you go up against.

Leica CalMaster

Laser Calibration Services - quick and reliable laser calibrations with the Leica CalMaster.
Laser Calibration Services - quick and reliable laser calibrations with the Leica CalMaster.

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