Surveying and Engineering

Surveying street curb for 3D model and as-built checks with Leica AP20 AutoPole and TS16 robotic total station from Leica Geosystems on construction site with bulldozer.

Innovative Surveying Technology Helps Speed Pipe Installation and Road Renewal

Read how construction surveyor Alessia used the AutoPole for as-built checks and measuring points to create a 3D model and was faster and safer than ever before.

训练the next generation of Civil, Structural and Environmental engineers - University College Cork

训练the next generation of Civil, Structural and Environmental engineers

University College Cork utilise cutting-edge surveying equipment to prepare students for entry into the industry

TriCAD Solutions

Helping Businesses Grow TriCAD Solutions ltd

Based in Lancashire’s Ribble Valley, TriCAD Solutions ltd. have been trading and growing for almost two decades. The team has built up a sizable client list, carrying out topographic and measured building surveys for architect’s practices across the Northwest of England.



Since 1986, Lord Technical Ltd has been the North East’s leading supplier of all types of
surveying equipment for sale and hire to customers all over the UK and beyond.

va gruppen,  gs18 I

投资Leica GS18 I以提供市场领先的解决方案

在VA Gruppen AB,成功的一部分是学习新技术,以向客户提供市场领先的解决方案。他们最近在Leica GS18上的投资对他们的日常测量任务中的测量速度,捕获的数据和工作流程流程产生了积极影响。










Leica GS18 T expands sites where GNSS can be used

日本的测量公司BM Field Co.,Ltd。使用Leica GS18 T GNSS RTK ROVER在各种不同的地点。GS18 T提高了其工作效率,降低了成本并在更具挑战性的条件下实现了GNSS调查。

为什么调查不仅仅是工作 - 来自俄罗斯的博客作者Alexey Petrin


Developing the surveying business by staying on top of the latest technological advancements has always been the main prerogative of our surveyor in focus, Alexey Petrin.

Monitoring Melbourne’s railways

城市基础设施并非一夜之间建造。在计划,设计和施工之间,还有其他关键活动 - 就像同时进行监控一样。

Come la Warner Land Surveys utilizza il Leica Nova TS60

l'Azienda utilizza una una serie tecnologie di misurazione e posizionamento all'avanguardia per garantire che ogni ogni progetto sia esseguito con precisioneeeee

Misura della nuvola di punti... con un rover GNSS

Misurazione della nuvola di punti georeferenziati con il rover rtk gnss leica gs18 i




Surveying service provider company offers best-in-class services with positioning, measuring and laser scanning technology

Improving county access to high-resolution imagery

Creating a high-resolution aerial imagery basemap with the HxGN Content Program in the United States


Hexagon’s Geosystems Division President Juergen Dold presented ideas and case studies where the entire planet can be digitised at HxGN LIVE in Las Vegas, USA

Building a better future with measuring technology

通过职业培训,提供饮用水和在坦桑尼亚建立更好的学校的机会,使用Leica Geosystems的建筑工具

Measuring aerosols caused by biomass burning



High-resolution bathymetric surveys support aquaculture research in Canada and increase navigational safety in the Pacific Ocean



Il segreto dietro all' AutoHeight

La Prima funzione al Mondo per misurare l'Altezza semplicemente premendo un pulsante

Visualizzazione della distruzione e creazione di un punto di riferimento

来到Multivista ha proNtuito a trasformare il georgia dome nell’home Depot后院亚特兰大,Stati Uniti

il segretononcosìsorprendedi gestire con Success unasocietàdiservizi topografici

dopo un’attivitàdi Quasi 50 Anni,La Titcomb Associates Continua ad alzare Il Livello per Quanto riguarda la fornitura di vernitura di servizi topografici diQualitiTàneglinegli stati Uniti。

Il segreto dietro all' AutoHeight

La Prima funzione al Mondo per misurare l'Altezza semplicemente premendo un pulsante



采石新站点入口using Leica Captivate on-board software for Gallagher Ltd and their customer J & J Franks Ltd

Scanning the top of Europe

Scanning the top of Europe

Measuring Mount Blanc ice cap melt with the MultiStation.

Monitoring the changes of our lifetime

Monitoring the changes of our lifetime

Monitoring climate change with the MultiStation in Greenland.



检查和测量dam in Switzerland with an UAV.

Innovating as-built verification

Nova MS60 used for 3D measurements of bridge abutments and piers in a trial of an innovative method of as-built verification for a governmental i-Construction project in Japan

Il segreto dietro all' AutoHeight

La Prima funzione al Mondo per misurare l'Altezza semplicemente premendo un pulsante