JFK - New light on a tragedy

JFK - New light on a tragedy

1963年11月22日,约翰·肯尼迪总统的暗杀是美国历史上的悲惨事件。尽管已经过去了50多年,但仍然有许多有关年轻总统死亡的问题。当天,德克萨斯州达拉斯市中心的Dealey Plaza到底发生了什么?李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德(Lee Harvey Oswald)是单独从德克萨斯州学校书籍存放处(TSBD)的六楼开枪的,还是第二个枪手从迪利广场(Dealey Plaza)内的一个小坡山上开枪射击?有史以来,现代技术首次应用于调查沃伦委员会的结论,即命运射击起源。Leica ScanStation P20在新的,最先进的拍摄重建中起着宝贵的作用,并帮助法医专家解决了一些谜团。

Most people still believe conspiracy is behind the death of the president and are convinced it wasn’t the work of just one man. Can modern ballistics and technology prove this wrong? What happened that day 50 years ago in Dealey Plaza? With the help of Leica Geosystems’ ScanStation P20, ballistic experts Michael and Luke Haag set out to determine if the “single bullet theory” was possible in “Cold Case JFK”, part of a special Nova series presented by PBS.

“Creating an accurate 3D laser representation of the crime scene using the Leica ScanStation P20 made documenting the precise location of the gun as well as the primary point of bullet impact possible. Using the Leica Cyclone software for bullet path reconstruction, we recreated a line segment for the original trajectory and any secondary trajectories,” says Michael Haag. For the Nova documentary, Michael Haag and Tony Grissim of Leica Geosystems, a technical advisor for the Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners, collected laser scan data to create an entire 3D representation of Dealey Plaza and of the sixth floor of the TSBD. This representation, along with Doppler radar and high speed videography, provided accurate information that was previously unavailable to investigators.

“当我想看看新的阴谋论about what happened, I don’t have to go back to the scene; I can just go to my computer and start clicking on scan data to look at distances and angles, and compare those points and angles to what I know occurred ballistically,” Michael says.

HAAG还重新创建了类似于人类肌肉组织的密度和耐药性,以测试子弹的影响和出口速度,并测试其强度和稳定性。它可以通过两个人,一个汽车座椅和骨头材料并保持完整吗?使用与拍摄中使用的相同类型的子弹和步枪对该重新创建的材料进行的测试分析了3D激光图。这份新获得的数据加上过去50年中隐藏的现在的公共文件和证据,帮助Michael和Luke Haag证明了“单子弹理论”可能是现实。在这几秒钟内,可以加载,瞄准和发射两发子弹并破坏很多子弹。卢克·哈格(Luke Haag)说:“这是一张非常清晰的图片。当汽车把拐角变成榆树时,有足够的时间拍摄所有三枪。我们尝试自己复制它,可以做很多次。我们排除了阴谋假设,从草丘陵上射击……两个射手。”

迈克尔·哈格(Michael Haag)已经使用了将近十年的Leica Geosystems的3D扫描技术来重建射击事件。他的经验提供了有关为什么越来越多的执法机构和犯罪现场调查人员开始依靠这种有价值的工具的关键见解。迈克尔说:“这是一种比我们有能力更彻底的犯罪现场的方式。”“我们可以从新的假设从新的角度出现,并通过新的测量,计算来重新检查计算机的案例 - 就在那里。作为一名法医科学家,您试图排除假设,而不是想证明某事的想法。物理证据总是支持问题的真相。”

克里斯汀·格拉尔(Christine L. Grahl)撰写



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