Investing in the Leica GS18 I to deliver market-leading solutions


va gruppen, gs18 i

在家族VA Gruppen收购AB,食谱的一部分for success is learning new technology and continuously investing in innovative instruments to deliver market-leading solutions to their customers. Their recent investment inLeicaGS18 I,具有视觉定位的多功能GNSS RTK漫游车已经证明了这一原则,并对测量速度,捕获的数据和工作流程过程产生了积极影响。

VA Gruppen’s success: expertise, dedicated staff and latest technology

VA Gruppen AB is a leading family-owned company with a high level of expertise in construction work and designing, building and maintaining water utility facilities. They complete their own surveying in-house for projects like digging pipes, finding that it saves costs and is more efficient for them and their customers.

我们发现,当我们拥有自己的测量师并可以优先考虑工作时,它更加灵活,而不是等待外部公司的测量师,透明explains Martin Holmqvist, Head of Measurement at VA Gruppen.

Headquartered in Trelleborg, Sweden, they currently employ approximately 170 employees. Their dedicated and detail-oriented staff play an important role in the company’s success.

另一个因素是VA Gruppen致力于学习新技术并不断投资创新工具,这将使他们能够为客户提供市场领先的解决方案。为了完成他们的调查任务,他们使用Leica Nova MS60MultiStation, theLeica AibotUAV solution and the GS18 I.

多功能GS18 I与他们的调查设备工具包的集成在诸如Oliver Vingren这样的员工的日常工作中产生了很大的影响,Oliver Vingren是VA Gruppen的测量工程师。



Just like the GS18 I, Vingren is relatively new to VA Gruppen. He completed his survey engineer training in the spring of 2020, including internships where he used Leica Geosystems equipment. Vingren enjoys many aspects of the surveying profession, including working both in the field and the office and the chance to work with tools like the GS18 I that make capturing measurement data easier and more comprehensive.

The GS18 I’s Visual Positioning technology is accomplished through the combination of a camera, GNSS and IMU, allowing surveyors to both measure with a tilted pole and take measurements from images. These two features greatly expand the potential to measure points that are difficult or dangerous to reach. With the help ofLeica Captivate现场软件,Vingren可以直接在现场中从记录的图像中获取点。

Simply put, the Leica GS18 I gives Vingren the opportunity to measure exactly what he sees. Attaching the GS18 I to a surveying pole and pairing it with theLeica CS20Vingren在Captivate中运转的控制器成立了一支有效的单人军队,他的测量任务。

The opportunity to capture and measure the site with Visual Positioning provides several important advantages. It is fast to capture an area with images and easy to measure points that are obstructed. In terms of safety, I can eliminate all climbs into trenches. If the camera’s line of sight reaches the point, there is no reason for me to go there,透明Vingren says.

Holmqvist扩大了这些好处:“”With the data from the GS18 I, we are able to later measure pipes that are already buried. It is also good to be able to walk along a pipe trench and provide images of the slope edge to the customer. It creates a better experience and is more efficient for the surveyor."

Seamless software and cloud solutions add more benefits

在冷,下着雨,三1月Vin的日子gren needs to survey a site, he is grateful for the quick, comprehensive measurement capabilities of the GS18 I that get him back to the warm office, ready to review his data – data which is richer than in the past.

在办公室,他从迷人的Leica Infinity,这使他能够测量点或进一步处理数据并创建一个点云。

In the point cloud, there is an incredible amount of information, which leads us to another advantage of the GS18 I,” explains Vingren. “如果我需要进行音量计算,挑选特定的坐标或其他内容,则不需要出去进行新的测量。透明

Leica Geosystems的云解决方案还使Vingren能够与他的合作者和利益相关者可视化,验证和共享捕获的数据。

我需要的所有信息都可以从现有材料中提取,如果我需要与同事共享任何信息,我可以通过Leica Conx。我们获得所有信息的速度越快,我们可以为客户解决任务的速度,Vingren总结道。

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