Noemi Boldrini - 作为世界旅行者建立多元文化的职业

Fluent in three languages, conversational in two more. Lived and worked on three continents. Passionate singer and climber of more than 100 mountains in South America and Europe.

These are just a few ways to describe Noemi Boldrini, a sales manager with IDS GeoRadar who puts multicultural lessons she’s learned from her world travels to use in her position to connect with customers.

“我一生都在努力实现自己的目标并实现自己的梦想。我的家人告诉我,如果您想取得成就,就必须去做。一开始,这真的很艰难,但是现在我知道一切皆有可能。您只需要发现自己想做的事情,相信它并为之奋斗。这种强烈的信念使我有机会不仅在旅行中而且在我的工作中见到这么多出色的人。” Boldrini说。“我遇到了有远见的人,他们揭露了我看到世界的方式,向我展示总有另一种看法或解决情况的方式。另外,当事情看起来无法克服时,总会有另一种方法或完全不同的方式可以尝试。


Working and living around the world


Working outdoors and with the animals gave her a great love for the simple things: enjoying an amazing view, helping a creature give birth, discovering a hidden place with perfectly crystalised garnets, or singing at the top of her lungs using the echos as a microphone. As a child, Boldrini was shy. Playing piano and singing, though, helped her to open up.


学习后,她的第一批地质工作是在意大利的皮埃蒙特地区。她第一次有机会进行风险管理分析,并遇到了她的第三个热情 - 雪。在阿尔卑斯山的滑雪坡上,她成为了雪地观察员,然后成为雪崩技术人员,支持研究和操作以监视,分析和评估雪稳定性。她担任雪崩委员会的一员,并负责一个赛季的滑雪中心的安全。



“It’s just up to you to show them that you are actually capable,” said Boldrini, “After a year, though, when they got used to me, they no longer saw me as just a woman – they see me as a fellow colleague.”

When the opportunity arose for her to work outside the borders of her home country – and continent – she jumped at the chance to continue discovering new places, people and ideas. Fitting to her love of exploring, she became an exploration geologist with a company that was looking for coal and seam gas in the remote outback of Queensland, close to Brisbane, in Australia. The move was a great change in her life, the wild and unhabitated land, the incredible animals that live constantly in contact with human, the multicultural environment, the openness of the people, and the positive approach of life they have, gave her something more.


“The Aussies were so kind to me and open to learning more about me and me about them,” said Boldrini. “I’ve kept this part of my time there with me as I continued in my career, reminding myself to be open to learning about as much as I can about my customers.”


“I was the key contact of three companies, managing different groups of people, installing together with the operators in the field between 4,000 and 5,000 m s.l.m with helicopters or by foot; in the tech office improving the characteristics of the software with the R&D people; in the engineering office working together with geologists, mathematicians, engineers and surveyors trying to understand the data, modelling them, and realising the technical reports or inventing some new tool.”


“智利是一个了不起的生活场所,我的心爱上了智利及其人民,” Boldrini说。“我在那里学到了很多关于自己的知识,并在那里结交了一些我最好的朋友。我有时甚至会用西班牙语思考。”

每当Boldrini有机会时,她都在旅行和探索沙漠,同性恋者,攀登5000 M S.L.M.山脉,在活火山上滑雪,参观葡萄园或参观奇伦尼亚历史的博物馆。

“The most amazing ski tour I had was alone at the active Llaima volcano - an incredible experience that I will always keep in my memory,” said Boldrini. “When I arrived to the top, I met a lot of people of all the world – German, French, Spanish, Uruguayan, Canadian. The crater was a completely big cauliflower that was giving off gases of the active volcano. The snow was metamorphosed, and it was similar to glass.”

Coming home

Boldrini于2017年回到了她的祖国意大利,当时她在PISA担任IDS Georadar的角色。即使是现在,她在该国的一个地区工作与长大的地方有很大不同。


与IDS Georadar合作,Boldrini说她喜欢乐趣和工作环境。毫不奇怪,她最喜欢的部分是与来自意大利乃至其他国家的同事合作的多元文化方面。

“I like to work with IDS clients, and I try to be open to find always new strategies to satisfy my customers,” concludes Boldrini. “The key is to continue studying and always pushing to be a better professional, but mainly a better person. I encourage more women in technology and to promote the value of diversity, inclusion and equity in technology.”

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