凯蒂·布罗德(Katy Broder)- From the dojo to the office




的创始人Shotokan Karate Club in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Broder teaches more than 100 students and referees about 10 competitions a year. Though she is no longer actively competing, she continues to learn in her roles as teacher and referee.

“Karate is like life; you never stop learning. You’re always growing,” said Broder. “Much like in leadership, refereering requires you to make decisions quickly and keep control of the situation. You’re totally exposed in this position, like a leader, because everyone is watching you and depending on your judgment. This has helped me to build self-confidence and stand behind my decisions.”

Fighting to the top

布罗德(Broder)从空手道(Barate)从白色到黑皮带(Black Belt)晋升为黑皮带(Black Belt)时,企业队伍提升了。从金融和人力资源领域的行政职位开始,布罗德通过物流发展到产品和项目管理,最后到她今天的位置。2011年,布罗德(Broder)加入Leica Geosystems,担任了负责监督小型团队的计划经理的第一个领导角色。在这个职位和随后的领导职务中,她开发了一种通知执行团队的风格。

“Katy has always been very approachable and clear with her expectations of her team,” said Juergen Dold, Hexagon Geosystems president. “As she consistently proves her abilities to move her team together toward a common goal, she is a natural choice to oversee the new direction for Construction Tools and Value Brands.”


Tasked with building the profile of Construction Tools and Value Brands, Broder is working to refocus her team on complete solutions. Since taking her position as division president in late 2016, Broder has brought increased research and development into software and new partnerships.



“It’s all about the performance. Focus on the facts and bring results,” she said. “If you’re authentic and create your own space, your efforts will be recognised and the opportunities to grow will be yours for the taking.”

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