Leica Disto™D810触摸

The smartest solution to measuring and documenting

Leica Disto™810触摸

Simply touch-it!
大型触摸屏可快速直观操作。使用带有两个手指滑动和缩放等常见的手势,所有功能都是简单易于访问的。也可以使用触摸屏进行测量。这避免了在测量过程中无意间移动Leica Disto™D810触摸。

Leica Disto™D810触摸

It has never been easier to determine the width, height, area or even the diameter of an object. One measurement at right angles to the object is all it takes. Then the desired dimension is marked using two arrows in the picture and the measured value appears in the display. In addition to the zoom stages on the Pointfinder, an overview camera is available for large objects.

Leica Disto™D810触摸

The camera function on the Leica DISTO™ D810 touch can be used to create pictures or screen shots for recording purposes, which can then be downloaded to a computer via the USB interface. No details about the measured target points need be lost.

Leica Disto™D810触摸

Highest precision
Leica Disto™D810触摸提供了许多间接测量功能。由于特殊开发的倾斜传感器,结果非常精确。使用Leica FTA360三脚架适配器可以实现更准确的结果,并进行精细的调整允许精确靶向。

Leica Disto™D810触摸

In keypad mode, you can link your Leica DISTO™ D810 touch to your computer and send measured values in the form of a keyboard entry to any program. This provides a high degree of flexibility.

Leica Disto™D810触摸

Bluetooth® Smart and new free App – „Leica DISTO™ sketch“
进一步开发的应用程序“ Leica Disto™草图”是使用Bluetooth®Smartsmart和智能手机或平板电脑的Leica Disto™之间的理想链接。它使您可以在图片中创建快速缩放的图纸,尺寸对象和检查施工图。甚至可以将详细草图集成在现有草图中,例如了解计划观点。这使您可以在单个文档中将所有信息一起使用。然后可以通过电子邮件将文件直接发送到办公室。

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Leica Disto D810触摸