
Takeaways from JTRS Registered Surveyor on the Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover

Leica GS18 icase study

Author: Renata Barradas

We measure the point cloud.


The company's latest technology leap is being able to measure the georeferenced point cloud and points with its brand new tech acquisition – theLeica GS18 I GNSS RTK ROVER

"The capability of capturing images at the same time with real-time positioning from a single instrument, really changes the way we carry out surveying – It's a reality capture concept,"JTRS的所有者Jimmy Tan解释说。





JTRS mostly uses the GS18 I for control surveys and quality checks in utility and construction projects. The tight accuracies needed range from 50mm to 100mm and for most QC projects within 40mm. For each project, the workflow with this versatile RTK GNSS rover is:

In Tan's words,“使用GS18 i,我只需要将相机指向我在步行时要捕获的主题。分钟时间。使用Infinity软件在办公室进行后处理所花费的时间为30分钟。我可以产生真正的颜色点云,我可以导出到正源于正驱动器并创建数字表面模型。还可以创建数百个TOPO点快速有效地从地理参与图像中。”




When JTRS was tasked with a utility trench documentation, they saw it as an opportunity to put their new GNSS rover into a true test. Besides doing an as-built survey of trial pits and the underground utilities, the GS18 I allowed them to create a 3D point cloud and sequence it into a 3D mesh model.

The freedom of using both the pole tip and Visual Positioning to measure in the field and using simple workflow for processing in the office, pushes the boundary of surveying for JTRS to another level.

“使用GS18进行测量,我从未如此令人兴奋。一旦您使用视觉定位技术捕获网站,您就可以验证某些点的坐标或级别。我能够自信地向客户展示现有现有级别的降低级别通过在调查控制器中捕获的图像上选择点 - 管道槽 -the CS20,"affirms Tan.“另外,我能够后处理捕获的数据并以坐标和级别生成TOPO点列表。所有这些都是在我办公室的空调环境中舒适地完成的。”



对于一个包括1200个块的3D扫描的建筑物和扫描项目,JTRS与GS18 I一起进行了地理参与式扫描数据的质量检查。。
“在我们与HDB(住房开发委员会)的一个项目中,我能够在步行过程中使用视觉定位在步行过程中捕获的积分坐标。使用GS18 I,它很方便,可以快速进行调查,我可以立即获得结果离开网站。
When it was not possible to use the pole tip because it was too close to the building's edge and the RTK signal couldn't initialise we used the Visual Positioning method and walked further away from the building where there is RTK signal. Most of the time, we would use both methods if the site condition enables us to do so,"describes Tan.


Smoother workflow + higher quality deliverables = confident clients

JTRS is now able to work safer and save costs on manpower as the GNSS antenna is operated by only one person. To get ready to use the GS18 I on the field, the team needed no training and just one short introduction on how to process the images in Infinity was required.

“客户对可交付成果的质量更有信心。通过无穷大,我能够以准确的地理作用将图像处理为真实点云。通过视觉定位,我可以在行走时每秒捕获两张图像,并且每个图像都随附来自单个来源的全球坐标 - GS18 I.就像在我们走路一样飞行带有GNSS天线和相机的无人机,”维持棕褐色。


Opening new opportunities by measuring the point cloud


“我们可以将点云进一步发展为3D网格模型 - 这是现实捕获,并且在可视化方面非常有帮助 - 多次比单点,单行或2D绘图好。使用Infi亚博ag真人规律nity,您还可以创建数字表面模型。对于可以在其设计工作中使用这种锡型模型并轻松提取高度和轮廓,水流等的工程师或设计师有益。”谭说。


如果您想听到并看到更多,listen to our webinar吉米的高手。

Leica GS18 i

Leica GS18 i


