

作者:温迪·里昂(Wendy Lyons)

当您的犯罪现场位于洛杉矶大都会人口最密集的城市之一的一个繁忙十字路口中间时,您需要获得所需的东西。“它可能会变得很奇怪。”圣安娜警察局碰撞调查部门的调查员韦斯顿·哈德利(Weston Hadley)说。

直到最近,哈德利和他的调查人员一直在使用理想仪进行法医映射。“A theodolite can make very accurate measurements. The limitation is that it only is taking data points and measurements for items that you choose, and that process can be pretty time consuming,”he says.“我们关闭主要十字路口四个,有时五个小时200至400个数据点。”Like many public safety agencies, Santa Ana Police Department held onto the obsolete device because there was no money in the budget to purchase faster technology.

如今,由于技术租赁使可以升级到最新的最新现实捕获解决方案,因此圣塔安娜警察局正在以创纪录的速度绘制绘制。亚博ag真人规律他们的全新Leica RTC360激光扫描仪正在捕获entire场景 - 数十亿个高度准确的数据点 -少于30分钟。新的激光扫描仪还会自动预注册点云数据,这使其易于使用并节省了更多的时间。

“It's such a significant increase in our efficiency,”哈德利说。由于定期发生致命的碰撞,效率很重要。“这只是在圣安娜的这里没有辞职。”哈德利说。“We’ve had our Leica RTC360 since the end of December and [as of June 2019] we have already mapped our 12Thcollision scene.”

哈德利说,RTC360是一个明显的选择。在看到它的行动之后,很明显,快速,敏捷和精确的3D现实捕获解决方案正在以不止一种方式获得回报。亚博ag真人规律“We immediately saw the value in how it collects data and the speed,”哈德利说。“但是,节省成本和利益在很多方面都超出了这一点。”

Improves use of officer resources


使用RTC360映射不到30分钟的整个场景,对人员的压力得到了缓解。“ RTC360为社区提供了更好的服务,因为我们可以将资源比阻止道路更好地利用。”he says.


RTC360最大程度地减少了道路关闭对通勤公众的影响。“我记得几年前我们有一个场景。在最繁忙的十字路口之一,这是一次可怕的撞车事故,我们一直在高峰时段关闭它。我们有成千上万的人无法通过十字路口,这些人迟到了,没有让孩子准时上学。”he says.“那根本不会发生。”

Increases officer safety

RTC360通过危害时间减少时间来提高警官的安全。根据国家执法纪念基金的说法50 officers killed2018年与交通相关的事件中14人被击中在他们的车辆外面。受损或分心的驾驶员在活跃的场景中耕作并不罕见。“I've had to run out of the street several times,” Hadley says.“值得庆幸的是,我们从未有过任何军官。我们的汽车打了。我们的建筑物受到了打击。我们有证据表明。因此,我们越快就能得到我们需要的东西,并从那条道路和通行权中走出来,越好。”


The RTC360 captures anything and everything in its line of sight at 2 million points per second. A theodolite can only take data points for objects the operator chooses. Even collecting an average of 200 to 400 data points, it was impossible to get everything.

“有时候,我们会分心,或者只是一个如此大的复杂场面,我们可以忽略一条证据,”哈德利说。他记得一个案例,在回到办公室后,哈德利发现了理想仪官发生了故障。“这是一个有先验的遗传性致命DUI,所以这个家伙正在看谋杀罪。”他解释说。“We had to go out two more times and re-setup right where I initially placed the device.”

第一次,他将真主党放置在收集所有数据的最有效的位置。“当我不得不回去尝试关闭车道时,这不是最有效的。真的很糟糕,”he says.“那是一个真正的痛苦。”有了RTC360,Hadley现在可以在现场仅几分钟后走开,认为扫描仪以毫米精度捕获了所有东西。“而且我敢肯定,我不会回到碰撞场景的任何旅行。”he says.


The RTC360 and its companion scene reconstruction software empower jurors to make better informed decisions. Previously, evidence mapped by theodolite was presented to the court as two-dimensional illustrations. But by overlaying millions of data points with high dynamic range (HDR) photography, along with geotagged photos and notes, theRTC360 provides an immersive 360-degree, 3D experience。数据是可接受的科学证据。

“现在,我们真的可以将某人带入现场,因为那天我们看到的是二维图纸永远无法在任何地方接近的方式。”哈德利说。“您可以谈论两辆汽车在每小时40英里(64公里)。在概念上,他们真的不知道它的样子like when a violent collision occurs—the crushed vehicles, the debris field—it can be overwhelming.”

当他们的激光扫描案件到达法院时,陪审员将不再需要利用他们的想象力。他说:“我认为,当他们可以用自己的眼睛看到我们所看到的东西 - 发生的事情,能量以及所有这些事情的暴力时,这将产生更大的影响。”


私营企业的法医映射专家通常使用最先进的技术,尤其是对于备受瞩目的案例。哈德利认为,保持公共安全机构保持相同的专业水平很重要。“If we're going to get up in front of a jury during a deposition and talk about what wonderful experts we are and all the experience and training we have and we're using technology that is just way outdated, I think it undermines our initial message,”he says.

它还可能破坏识别私人专家提出的不准确性或错误表征的能力。“It could put us at a disadvantage if we're not aware of the current technology's limitations or nuances,”he says。“If we’re using current technology, at least gives us a starting point to say, ‘That is right’ or ‘That doesn't look right.’ Whereas if we don't have any experience in that technology, we basically can't say anything. Whatever they say is.”Documenting the scene with the RTC360使代理商处于映射技术的最前沿并坚持其在法庭上的信誉。

Closing the gap

多亏了他们的新RTC360,碰撞调查部门已缩小其技术差距。今天,圣安娜警察局现在处于激光扫描技术的前沿,并以创纪录的速度绘制。“ Leica RTC360使我们在许多方面都更加有效,”哈德利说。“I think if you really draw back and look at the proverbial forest, you just go, ‘Wow! Why haven't we been doing this for a long time?'”

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