The future of mining – end-to-end integration


作者:内维尔·贾德(Neville Judd)

亚搏苹果appHexagon正在帮助采矿公司采用统一的数字策略来改善其业务决策。该部门的新首席技术官Rob Daw是为客户带来数字化转型的领导。End-to-end life-of-mine integrationis at the heart of this transformation, explains Daw, who was cofounder of MiPlan,2017年被六边形收购亚搏苹果app. He brings more than 15 years’ experience in both open pit and underground operations.

In a recent HxGN Spotlight interview, Daw elaborated on his background, the current and future state of the mining industry and his expectations for the CTO position.

You were recently appointed chief technology officer. What are your expectations, and what are your business priorities as CTO?

We aredelivering world-class technologies to the mining industry. We want to continue to focus on our customers and how we can deliver more value through our products, as well as assisting with the services of those products. It's about looking at ourselves and making sure that we practice what we preach; delivering to our people internally; and improving in our day-to-day jobs.

You travel a lot, visiting mines, talking to miners. What are the most common challenges you're hearing about from them?

提高生产率, improving safety and reducing costs今天与过去五年或10年一样重要。我认为我开始确定的最大挑战,因为采用了许多这些新技术,并且industry looks at autonomous和其他领域,是矿山的社会变革。社交许可,如果您想称呼它;我们如何适应劳动力;我们如何将劳动力与我们一起在技术之旅中以及我们的劳动力一起 - 对于许多行业而言,这绝对是一个挑战,我认为我们需要重点关注。

Give us a snapshot of Hexagon’s Mining division's portfolio.

So, everything from ourMinePlan product portfolio,我们谈到了钻孔分析的探索,并将其存储到设计,调度,计划,然后探索到生产世界进行钻孔和爆炸。然后,我们有了将其推向运营世界的技术。我们通过车队管理,资产健康具有能力, and thenour safety portfolio where we have collision avoidance, personal alert, including vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-person protection, as well as车辆干预.

We also have a really exciting area we're starting to work on as well with our autonomous portfolio, where we are looking atassistive technologies. We’re working with our clients on the journey and the roadmap to autonomy, so we can facilitate that change-management process in those mines.


What are the long-term challenges you're keeping an eye on with regards to research and development?

The hot topic in the mining industry is aroundautonomous systems, but for me there’s also a whole other world of autonomous in terms of technology with processes and some of the office-type technologies that we can automate as well. I’m keen to look at how those two worlds - the office and the field - can merge in that autonomous role.

Chief Technology Officer at Hexagon Mining

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