
Airborne LiDAR is a fast and relatively inexpensive means of gathering topographic information critical to the success and safety of mining operations. McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C., Canada, has introduced two new bare-earth mapping services developed specifically for the exploration and exploitation phases of the mining industry. In the first application, McElhanney used LiDAR to find surface structures and lineaments that have been missed by aerial photography and satellite imaging because of dense vegetative cover. McElhanney, an engineering, mapping, and surveying company, verified the use of LiDAR bare-earth digital elevation models (DEMs) for lineament and fault identification in a gold mining district of British Columbia.

Surface lineaments are linear ground features associated with complex subsurface geological structures, including faults, fractures, and other features such as contacts between different rock types. Sometimes just a half meter wide, lineaments may extend for hundreds of meters in length. Due to their large scale, these features can be difficult to spot from ground level, and they can be even harder to see in most remotely sensed imagery if obscured by vegetation or loose sediment.

P.Eng的Azadeh Koohzare博士说:“座位为地下地质提供了线索,并为地质映射提供了宝贵的帮助,这是任何黄金探索或矿山工程项目的关键部分。”“地质学家可以解释这些表面特征的模式和方向,并且由于许多黄金沉积物与地质结构相关,因此在选择和优先考虑探索目标时使用此信息。”

揭示隐藏表面地质的关键是强大的多元气载激光扫描仪或激光雷达(Koohzare)。McElhanney拥有三个Leica Geosystems LiDAR扫描仪和两个Leica Geosystems ADS数码相机,使用Leica ALS60启动了座位映射项目,并正在升级到更强大的500 kHz ALS70-HP系统。

这些LiDAR系统提供至少两个平方米的点(每2.4平方码2点),以生成具有准确性和分辨率足以揭示狭窄线性表面特征的裸露DEM所需的密度。在不列颠哥伦比亚省的试点项目中,麦克尔汉尼(McElhanney)以2500 - 3,000 m(8,200 - 9,800英尺)的海拔高于平均海平面的高度运行LIDAR,以收集数据集。标准处理删除了与植被相关的回报,以产生一个裸露的DEM,其垂直(4英寸)和30至50 cm(12至20英寸)的水平精度。

“The Leica Geosystems ALS LiDAR operates with a high pulse rate to ensure the vegetation is penetrated with a point density that is sufficient to find surface lineaments measuring just 50 cm (20 in) in width,” says Koohzare. “And the high power of the unit means the dense point data can be captured at high aircraft speed, which saves time and money.”

McElhanney devised its idea for ground subsidence monitoring in Saskatchewan where potash deposits are mined and used for fertilizer. Potash extraction poses a higher risk of ground subsidence than many other types of mining because the evaporate deposits are found in soft rock formations that are structurally less than ideal for tunneling. As a result, potash mines must be continually monitored for subsidence or sinking of ground above and around the excavation site.



The 10 cm (4 in) vertical accuracy of bare-earth DEMs routinely generated from the firm’s Leica ALS60 and ALS70 laser scanners can identify significant shifts in the ground surface – either up or down – that may signal dangerous conditions in the mine. McElhanney recommends collecting an initial baseline data set above each mine site and then continuing to collect new data every year. Once subsidence is revealed, monitoring flights should be repeated while steps are taken inside the mine to minimize the danger.


Leica ALS70是少数具有功率和多脉冲能力的机载激光扫描仪之一,能够提供这些采矿应用所需的裸露DEM的质量。

凯文·P·科布利(Kevin P. Corbley)撰写


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