Leica Viva GS10和GS25– High Precision Receivers

Confidence through precise positioning

Leica Viva GS10和GS25– Peak Performance

Leica Viva GS10和GS25高精度接收器结合了所有功能,即使在最苛刻的条件下,也可以提供峰值性能。请放心,当您指望Viva GS10和GS25的定位可靠性时,您将获得最准确的结果。

通过这些出色的GNSS接收器确保今天和明天的成功,它们提供升级功能选项,以适应前进的卫星定位系统。无论手头上的任务如何,都可以使用Viva GS10和GS25做得很好。

The Leica Viva GS10 and GS25 receivers also deliver with:

Engaging software
Leica Viva GS10和GS25接收器与革命者有关Leica Captivate软件, turning complex data into the most realistic and workable 3D models. With easy-to-use apps and familiar touch technology, all forms of measured and design data can be viewed in all dimensions. Captivate spans industries and applications with little more than a simple swipe, regardless of whether you work with GNSS, total stations or both.

Infinite possibilities
当吸引现场的捕获和模型数据时,Leica Infinity软件处理办公室中的信息。平滑的数据传输可确保该项目保持在正轨上。着迷和无限的工作结合使用,以加入以前的调查数据并更加有效地编辑项目。

Customer care at a click

  • 消除卓越技术服务的延迟
  • 通过出色的咨询支持更快地完成工作
  • 避免使用在线服务重新访问昂贵的网站,以直接从现场发送和接收数据

Control your costs with a tailored Customer Care Package, giving you peace of mind you’re covered anywhere, anytime.

Powerful handheld devices
In a controller or a tablet, take your entire office on the go when you discover the power to overcome any environment from the palm of your hand. TheLeica CS20控制器andLeica CS35 tablet提供完全的移动性,提供最终的控制和便利性。触摸屏技术可以进行舒适,快速的数据处理,而令人惊叹的3D视图会改变您的Leica Viva GNSS体验。




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Benefit from the quality, precision and reliability of Leica Geosystems original accessories.

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