HXGN Live 2016的专家培训

HxGN LIVE 2016 takes place 13-16 June in Anaheim, California, USA.

To kick-offHxGN LIVE 2016,GeoSystems Track将于6月13日将重点放在专家培训上。为了了解有关这项培训的更多信息,我们与培训导演迈克尔·哈维(Michael Harvey)坐下来,以了解您在这些动手会议中的期望。


What is Geosystems Training offering this year?


  • High Definition Surveying Topics

  • GNSS Topics

  • Monitoring

  • Public Safety

  • Best Practices for viewing Point Cloud Data over the web

  • 和更多。

Session 1110– we cover the latest field workflows for theScanStation P30 and P40(Session 1110). In this class we will have areas areas set up where customers will get hands on experience with the on-board traversing functionality, using resection with the scanner, and scanning with a free station collection method.

Session 1111- 我们将介绍最新的工作流程,以处理用于测量可交付成果的扫描数据。这将包括虚拟测量,对齐方式以及使用网格工具上的点等主题。

Session 1113- 我们更深入地深入了解我们曾经流行的Truview产品,尤其是我们的亚搏彩票手机版下载truview全球产品(第1亚搏彩票手机版下载113节)。该课程将介绍网站安全性,以最佳部署选项。我们将介绍如何将地理标签或热链接添加到truviews中,并在truview中添加revit模型。leica_cyclone_9.0_modelspac


Session 1114- 我们很受欢迎的Cyclone技巧和窍门课。在这里,我们可以介绍软件中可以简化工作流并消除按钮点击的几个小“隐藏宝石”的地方。

Session 1116– we cover all the different workflows that are part of creating Plant deliverables from Cyclone. This will take a deeper look into the different methods to model aspects of a plant as well as using fitting libraries.

会议118- 有关构建信息建模(BIM)工作流的课程。BIM现在是一个热门话题,此课程将在CloudWorxfor Revit software as well as the CloudWorx for Navisworks software. Customers will learn about using fitters to make their models as well as Clash Checking and Anti-Clash Checking.

Session 1119– a class for the Public Safety folks on using the new IMS Map360 product. This platform is able to take in data from multiple sensors into a single package where officers can create scene diagrams to help with their investigations.

Session 1120– we highlight processing point clouds in MicroSurvey CAD. Point cloud processing in MSCAD has taken on a new look and this class will dive into those workflows.

Session 1121- 我们最受欢迎的CloudWorx产品,我们将在civil3D中使用CloudWorx工具。此类将涵盖使用用户坐标系的简化方法,以使用用于创建锡的智能选择工具在网格上创建点。

Session 1130– a very unique class where we will look at how to take measurements from images in theCaptivate软件。在现场外,Captivate的用户有能力拍摄几张图像来增强其现场工作。为什么不使用这些图像来填充现场的“空白”,以便可以减少站点的重新访问呢?

Session 1133– we take a deep look into Geodesy and where the GNSS community is going. This will look into all of the different acronyms in the industry and offer some insight on the future of GNSS.

Session 1136– a class that looks at full field to finish workflows that use the latest advancements in无穷。Infinity是一个非常强大的处理工具,是一个完整的工作流程。在此课程中,将更深入地研究这个概念。

There are several other classes as well so I encourage attendees to look at thefull list

Who provides this training?



One of our trainers, Ken Jones, is still an active Reserve Police Officer where he will be teaching our Public Safety classes.

蒂姆•吴druff已经参与激光扫描已有15年以上。他训练新客户使用Leica Geosystems扫描仪。

Matthew Mizellis a regular contributer to Leica Geosystems training materials, from written material to video tutorials.

Karen Hughesis another one of our trainers with 15+ years in laser scanning. She specialises in Civil/Survey, Public Safety, Academia and Historic Preservation. Her attention to correct procedures in teaching laser scanning brings customers back asking for her as their trainer.

These are just a few of the expert trainers we will have on hand, providing instruction and guiding attendees through each session.

Why should attendees join the training sessions?

This year we will be able to offer CEU credits for several of the training classes. So, if you need to earn credits for your professional licensure board, these classes are a great way to get them. Furthermore, these classes will be taught by industry experts. For example, the combined experience on the HDS team is well over 75 years. Chances are, they can find or have direct experience on any application that you may want to deploy your tools on.

Finally, what can attendees expect to get out of the training?

Just about all of the classes are hands on. Customers will get first hand experience with all the tools and software in their classes. If you are looking to get CEUs once you complete the class requirements, you will be invited to ‘register’ with our participating University and your official certificate will be sent to you.


To register for HxGN LIVE and these training sessions, clickhere


迈克尔·哈维is the Leica Geosystems HDS Product Applications Manager. He serves as the HxGN LIVE Training Directory and Plan Contest Chair for the Geosystems Track.


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