Disto D510案件发布


You know theLeica Disto™D510makes outdoor distance measurement easy and effortless, but combined with accessories it is even more convenient.

We are pleased to announce the new Leica DISTO™ D510 case – the professional package for convenient aiming and precise measurement.

Consisting of the Leica DISTO™ D510, the Leica FTA360 adapter and the Leica tripod TRI70, the package provides a complete measuring system for outdoor use.


Benefiting from all-in-one

When you purchase the new Leica DISTO™ D510 case, you receive:

  • 通过将设备持有稳定参考,对目标点的激光点进行了很好的调整
  • 精确的瞄准和测量小物体和大距离
  • Package specifically designed for exterior applications
  • 在健壮,有吸引力和实用的携带案例中完成包装
  • Each product and accessory is visible in the case, so nothing will be lost or forgotten
  • 案例被设计为彼此堆叠


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Les Om Hvordan Kunder上的Hele Verden Bruker de ulikeløsningeneVåretilÅSkapeSmarte Endringer。

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芬恩din kontaktperson居屋徕卡呈salg og teknisk support.