Reality Capture plays central role in National Geographic’s Lost Cities with Albert Lin


作者:Duncan M B Lees

A ground-breaking new TV series for National Geographic combines hi-tech science, breath-taking visuals and genuine exploration to bring to life some of the most extraordinary sites of antiquity.失落的城市与艾伯特·林(Albert Lin)来自布莱克威(Blakeway)的作品遵循探险家艾伯特·尤·敏(Albert Yu-Min Lin)博士,他发现了有关被遗忘的城市和文化的新见解。

High-definition 3D mapping specialistsVisualskieswere brought in to provide a bespoke 3D scanning service on location and create the spatial data visualisations for the show. Duncan M B Lees, 3D Scanning Specialist, Visualskies explains, “We worked closely with Albert and the Blakeway crew to develop a narrative based upon a scientific approach to the collection of spatial data. The result is a series of ambitious programmes that deliver powerful, emotional stories with our hi-tech imagery.”

To bring the mysteries of the past vividly into focus in the present, Visualskies usedLeica Geosystems激光扫描解决方案。



Visualskies将扫描设备的自定义组合组合在一起,包括徕卡ScanStation P50远程3D陆地激光扫描仪,高度便携Leica RTC3603D laser scanner andLeica Cycloneand 3DReshaper (旋风3dr) point cloud processing software.



在哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔(Santa Marta)进入佩迪达(Ciudad Perdida)(字面上是“失落的城市”),需要一段漫长的旅程,涉及第一架飞机和直升机,然后是远足,而团队携带着他们需要的一切。Lees解释说:“我们对失落城市现存的遗体的第一印象是一种壮观的空中视图,强调了记录城市和佩迪达周围广阔景观的困难。”

“A startling impact:” Using 3DReshaper to ‘see’ through dense vegetation

One of these difficulties was dense vegetation. Lees explains: “The majority of the Tayrona complex (in Ciudad Perdida) is almost invisible due to the lush tree cover over the whole Sierra Nevada mountain range, so it was going to be almost impossible to document, digitise and visualise the lost remains using solely traditional survey techniques.”

该团队在后处理中结合了空中和陆地扫描技术和3Dreshaper(Cyclone 3DR),以实现其目标。“这是用于清洁,细分和过滤点云的完美解决方案,用于许多3D建模和检查可交付成果。3Dreshaper使我们能够剥离树盖并可视化下面的内容;这对我们进行的许多项目产生了令人震惊的影响。”


除了地理限制外,Visualskies还需要快速调查,以满足行进时间表和紧密的电影制作截止日期。“整体的时间表Lost Citiesseries was incredibly compact; with digitally documenting the numerous sites, visualising the remains and filming the whole programme all being undertaken in one relatively short concurrent timescale,” explains Lees.

使用的设备需要快速设置和易于使用,从而减少了团队承受的压力和压力。扫描仪P50和RTC360都是快速扫描仪。使用ScanStation P50,团队能够在Jordan的Khirbet Al -Darieh捕获整个网站 - 并在一天之内就可以准备好进行播放的3D模型。

Lees说:“ RTC360一直是我们3D现实捕获功能的游戏增加。亚博ag真人规律现在,我们可以在任何工作班次中收集超过两倍的数据,或者更重要的是,将我们在任何位置捕获数据的时间减半。”处理软件的速度同样重要。Lees继续说:“旋风可以处理大量的陆地激光扫描数据 - 数百个单独的扫描仪设置,导致数亿个单独的点 - 可以轻松地进行注册,操纵和分析结果的地理空间点云数据集。”

“在使用激光扫描和3D建模失落的城市与艾伯特·林(Albert Lin)不仅对观众着迷,而且还具有真正的考古价值。” Lees说。例如,在Pohnpaip的太平洋岛上,Visualskies船员扫描了一个非凡的收藏,其中700多个史前图案雕刻成自然的玄武岩露台。“通过创建岩画的3D模型,我们使阿尔伯特和船员澄清了褪色的岩画的确切形式,详细研究它们并与太平洋其他地方的其他古老雕刻进行了比较。”

Working on the programme has created a new direction for Visualskies, leading them to develop a ground-breaking scouting tool for the TV and film industry. Due for official release in January 2021,VSScout已被设计为一种工具套件,以帮助制作以根本沉浸式的方式探索位置,同时收集可以在各个部门使用的丰富地理数据,使所有工作人员都可以远程访问该站点。




Laser Scanning Industry Applications

With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.
With the introduction of laser scanning, measuring and documenting is simplified and improved across all industries.