Maximum safety for the new Copenhagen Metro Line

哥本哈根地铁线是世界上最现代的地铁系统之一。为了改善丹麦首都的基础设施,该市现在通过建造新的“ Cityringen”地铁循环来扩展其现有的地铁系统三分之二。现在,M3和M4线已添加到现有的M1和M2线上。由于地质条件不利,覆盖范围有限和与现有发展的距离,旧城区港口中心的隧道建设活动构成了巨大的潜在风险。为了确保整个施工阶段的结构稳定性,将使用各种大地测量测量系统进行自动监测,以便及时检测可能的变形,从而立即启动对策。在每个站点,轴和隧道延伸的每个站安装的自动3D测量系统在此起着特别重要的作用。


项目的总体成本有关2 billion euros. The Copenhagen Ministry of Transport and the municipality of Frederiksberg are the owners of this major project, represented by Metroselskabet I/S. The executive consortium is an Italian joint venture consisting of Salini/Impregilo Tecnimont and SELI – Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT).

Geodata Ziviltechnikergesellschaft MBH和Angermeier Ingenieure GmbH的合资企业收到了监视整个项目的合同,并成立了自己的新公司SMT Denmark APS,以执行这一巨大的任务。

SMT Denmark AP负责测量和岩土技术监测。这包括自动3D监控系统的精确级别,概念,设置和维修,以及自动倾斜仪,应变和编码器延伸器仪表以及水位量规测量系统的安装和维修。此外,SMT丹麦AP还必须监督中央项目数据库Kronos,其中所有测量结果(包括从四台隧道钻孔机(TBM)传输一次的机器数据)将存储。将近30名员工完全致力于Cityringen项目中的监视任务。


自2013年夏季以来,隧道部分在TBM驱动器期间配备了测量系统。在此过程中,各个总站被连接到网络中,以可靠地涵盖计划者对可能定亚博5分钟快三居点的预测(也称为影响区域)。在此过程中,多达八个Leica TM30总站连接到监视系统中,这些系统由亚博5分钟快三PC在WLAN上进行中央控制和监测。

SMT Denmark APS的两家公司都是长期以来的Leica Geosystems的忠实客户。因此,在项目开始时,选择大地测量工具和配件的供应商在瑞士高级制造商上落在瑞士高级制造商上。在整个项目期间,这再次被证明是一个绝佳的选择,就像在较早的项目中一样。测量仪器的精度如此之高,以至于3D测量系统和冗余水平测量值是通过Leica DNA03水平和2米的Invar员工进行的,与半毫米匹配。高质量的测量结果极大地促进了该项目的成功。

60,000 noiseless measurements per day
标准的测量频率是每两个urs for all automated measuring systems. In critical situations, the measuring frequency is reduced to one hour or 30 minutes, depending on the particular number of points to be measured.


The Software Observer, a proprietary software of ANGERMEIER INGENIEURE GmbH, controlled every total station. It automatically eliminates outliers during every measurement within a measurement cycle. All measurement values are then transferred to an adjustment software and processed. If the results are within the required range of accuracy, the coordinates and protocol are transferred to the KRONOS database, which is proprietary software by GEODATA Ziviltechnikergesellschaft mbH. If there is a data transmission failure or internal warning or alert levels are exceeded, for example, if the compensator values are outside specified accuracy range, immediate, automatic notifications are distributed to the predefined internal group of people.

截至2014年12月,在21个新结构上安装了72个Leica TM30亚博5分钟快三车站。平均沿隧道路线并联21个电台。亚博5分钟快三一部分完成后约四个月,它们被取消并重新安装在新部分中。


Leica Geosystems的噪音产生极低的总站肯定值得一提。亚博5分钟快三可以轻松地将它们直接安装在卧室的窗户上,而不会唤醒居民的睡眠。



SMT Denmark ApS has added its own lifting platform on a 3.5-ton truck for the installation of prisms and total stations. This is the only way to be flexible and carry out installation and removal or exchange of equipment for maintenance.

Experienced teams – reliable systems

As far as the team is concerned, a great deal of experience is required here. Internal processes are continuously optimised. The software components in the Observer are also subject to continuous modifications due to the changing requirements for this complex monitoring project.

The instruments are subjected to a maximum demand for quality, reliability and precision. The demands on the employees, who quickly and confidently respond to every malfunction that arises, are equally high. Monitoring sensors from Leica Geosystems are the perfect partners for this enormous task.

Written by Dieter Heinz


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