

Author: Linda Duffy

As a subscriber to theHXGN内容程序through the State of Washington, rural杰斐逊县在美国,从可用的最新高分辨率航空影像中受益。非常有用的决策支持工具是通过用详细的县范围内的GIS数据覆盖图像来创建的。通过组合信息获得的见解导致更有信息的分析,更快的批准流程以及为内部和外部客户提供更好的服务。


杰斐逊县(Jefferson County)涵盖了一个多样化的地理区域,该地理区域为政府管理员带来了特殊挑战。太平洋沿线的海岸线位于奥林匹克半岛,形成了该县的西部边界,而东部地区包括四个小镇,一个运输港口,几个岛屿,农田和一个活跃的海军设施。在西杰斐逊县和东杰斐逊县之间,由联邦政府管理的奥林匹克国家公园和奥林匹克国家森林。总共约有31,000名居民分散了5,654平方公里。

由于地形各不相同,而且从东部汤森港(Port Townsend)的县城到西部的太平洋海岸,现场检查可能会很耗时且昂贵,从而导致建筑许可证批准,基础设施计划和环境保护工作延迟。政府和私人用户都受益最新的航空影像because it providesdetailed information in and around the area of interestand减少了对面对面访问的需求

“With aerial imagery, we can see structures, outbuildings, and natural features, and when combined with contours, we can make a lot of determinations from the office,”says Kevin Hitchcock, GIS analyst/cartographer, Jefferson County Central Services.“In a rural community like ours, online maps are used for a variety of activities, such as planning new developments and evaluating impacts on streams and wetlands. The Public Lands Records database also includes sales history and other information for every property in the county, making it easy to do research without leaving the office.”


2015年,与华盛顿州各地的县和市政当局进行了评估cost-sharing to obtain high-resolution aerial imagery整个州。必须从当地司法管辖区的一定程度的参与才能使其具有成本效益。在杰斐逊县,部门经理和行政人员一致认为,签约将是有益的。最终,该县签订了为期三年的合同通过HXGN内容程序接收图像

The HxGN Content Program collects speculative off-the-shelf orthorectified imagery of the US, parts of Europe, and populated areas of Canada to create a database available to customers. The goal is to acquire无云的30厘米分辨率,人口较少的区域的4波段图像,人口大于50,000的都会区和15厘米的决议。2017年,杰斐逊县收到30厘米分辨率的航空影像, a welcome update to its 1-metre basemap obtained in 2011 through the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP).

Jefferson County Central Services GIS团队的目标是开发和维护有效的全县资源,以满足政府机构和公众的需求。历史和当前的图像和GIS数据层可通过ESRI ArcGIS Web应用程序查看和打印。由托管的图像地图服务瓦尔特斯, part of Hexagon, allows users to add the content as a layer to any GIS webmap. The public can download the existing shapefiles, such as tax parcels, but not the actual imagery. Government employees are authorised to download the imagery to create derivative products and to perform analysis.


杰斐逊县创造了一个用户友好的GIS其中包含广泛的信息。在线地图档案包括丰富数据层,如分区防火区,school districts, roads, emergency services, and channel migration zones overlaid on the high-resolution imagery

Within the county, frequent users of spatial and map information include the departments of Environmental Health, Public Works, Community Development and the Assessor. Emergency responders, such as police and firefighters, are aided by the address point layer to pinpoint the fastest way to reach someone in need, while engineers in the private sector can more easily design septic systems by分析在线数据。对于海岸线属性,开发人员检查是否有额外的监管限制,以确保符合与海岸线和侵蚀问题的距离。

“Access to high-resolution aerial imagery through the HxGN Content program makes it easier to visualise an area of interest, in detail and in the broader context of the surrounding terrain,”希区柯克说。“我们通过在线工具完成工作来节省时间和金钱。当我们继续探索应用程序时,可能会有更高决议来支持更好的决策。”

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