Paving the Road to Real-time Change Modelling


Author:John Welter


At Hexagon, we are fond of the saying: “You can’t manage, what you don’t measure.” In the context of these changes “measure” means “map.”

如此快速的变化面临的挑战是,它打破了我们的映射方式 - 我们认识到发生了变化,开始一个漫长的过程,以确保预算,招标和获取新数据以捕获更改。新的地图通常为时已晚,无法管理更改并简单地确认我们已经知道的内容。


第二个需要是更高效的空中nsing technology which enables the collection of more data in a single flight to reduce the time and cost of making maps. However, the sensor alone does not get the job done. With growing amounts of collected raw data, processing speeds need to be increased in parallel, allowing for the swift delivery of the processed data to the end customer. Hybrid sensors and workflows that capture and process imagery and LiDAR data simultaneously will be the driver to map largescale projects, more frequently.

At Hexagon, we have invested in making this a reality and will continue to do so. With our network of collection partners, theHXGN内容程序,我们的CAAS倡议现在正在进入其连续收藏的第七年。该计划在北美和欧洲捕获了2500万公里的数据,可以通过购买或订阅模型在线获取。

2016年,我们启动了世界上第一个机载传感器,该传感器同时捕获了Nadir和Oblique Images以及LiDar Heivation Data,Leica CityMapper和HXMAP工作流程。2019年,我们宣布了40%的生产率提高CityMapper-2, allowing airborne mapping companies to collecting more data during every flight.

A version of this article first appeared in GIM International —

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