亚搏苹果app六边形地理空间releases Power Portfolio



亚搏苹果app六边形地理空间, our sister company, has released its Power Portfolio that enables you to transform multi–source content into actionable information.

Combined with products and solutions from Leica Geosystems Geospatial Solutions Division, Hexagon Geospatial's Power Portfolio efficiently streams accurate and current data to users on any device.

将其七个产品线组合到投资组合中,可以使六边形地理空间提供“不同的软件包……,使我们多样化的用户群更容易识别赋予其业务亚搏苹果app能力的产品线,”六边形地理空间总裁Mladen Stojic在最近的传感变更博客post.

The new Power Portfolio is offered in three suites that group Hexagon Geospatial's industry–leading products into descriptive categories while still retaining their globally-recognized names:

  • TheProducer Suiteempowers you to collect, process, analyse and understand raw geospatial data. Derive and deliver usable information with Hexagon Geospatial's desktop-based GIS, remote sensing and photogrammetry offerings.
  • TheProvider Suiteallows you to manage and deliver your data to others. Organise and optimise enterprise-wide data holdings into a centralised library, and distribute to desktop, web and mobile applications.
  • ThePlatform Suiteprovides the tools to build customised geospatial apps and solutions using a sophisticated set of developer-focused technologies. Extend geospatial functionality where you need it through modern and dynamic toolkits.

Leica GeoSystems Geo亚搏苹果appsystems Geospatial Solutions部门的解决方案和GM Ruedi Wagner表示:“祝贺Hexagon GeoSpatial实现了这一伟大的里程碑。新产品细分是有意义的,并将有助于更好地专注于特定于客户的应用程序和细分市场。”“我们很高兴与我们的姊妹公司合作,通过一些激动人心的创新和更多的跨田径协同效应为客户提供服务。”

To learn more about Hexagon Geospatial’s Power Portfolio, check out the video below and visitpowerportfolio.com.




