少的道路少:与Leica Pegasus的山路创新数字化:两个终极


移动映射解决方案业务经理Raphael Goudard

德国伯奇特斯加德纳(Berchtesgadener Land)的高山路(Alpine Roads)提供了世界上一些最令人叹为观止的景色。作为巴伐利亚东南角的旅游区域的门户,对于当地经济来说,道路保持良好状态至关重要。对此的责任属于Traunstein国家建筑管理局(TSBA)。TSBA除了包括数百公里的联邦和州道路,步行和骑自行车道,桥梁,支撑结构和隧道的网络外,还管理着高山道路。TSBA是使用数字方法的先驱,希望创建该领域的数字记录,以作为计划建筑工作的基础。当局问geovision,测量和地理空间数据管理专家,调查3.2公里。探索选项后,geovision使用Leica Geosystems移动映射解决方案来数字捕获道路及其挡土墙。该项目是第一次将移动映射应用于此类挑战。


With a 23% slope in some places and huge drops into the valley below, the roads in Berchtesgadener Land are not easy to survey. It’s particularly difficult to access both sides of the retaining walls, as they are built on steep, heavily overgrown terrain. Due to the altitude and remoteness there was a weak GNSS signal over almost the entire distance, especially in the five tunnels included in the survey area. On top of the physical constraints, the survey also needed to be carried out quickly. The road could not be closed or blocked for long, to keep the route free for tourist buses. Nevertheless, because the data obtained from the survey was to be used as the basis for planned construction work, the road and walls needed to be recorded with the greatest possible accuracy.

Mobile mapping met all the project evaluation criteria

ingGeovisionteam are highly experienced in holistic surveying. They have been the digitisation partner for buildings, plants and other infrastructure in more than 1,000 successful laser scanning projects. For the Berchtesgadener Land project, they considered various methods: laser scanning via a drone, tachymeter measurement, a static scan and mobile mapping. The evaluation criteria included time spent on site, accuracy of the data, ability to detect the retaining walls and the road condition in high resolution. Finally, whether the method could be used to gather photo documentation and point cloud data in one operation.

A drone was ruled out because it could only deliver photos, tachymeter surveying because it couldn’t deliver photos or point cloud data. A static scan would take too long and couldn’t be positioned on the outside of the walls in many places. Although untested in this scenario, mobile mapping was able to deliver on every criteria. Mobile mapping systems combine sophisticated hardware sensors and software technologies to take laser scanning off the static tripod, letting the team capture accurate 3D data by car.


ingGeovision使用Leica Pegasus Ultimate II移动映射平台制定扫描解决方案。巧妙的是,为了捕获挡土墙的两面,Leica Pegasus Ultimate II不仅安装在汽车的屋顶上,而且还安装在挖掘机的桶上。这使扫描仪可以悬挂在墙壁的边缘并捕获外部,没有人为安全的风险。控制点的测量是通过转速计TS16进行的,并使用静态RTC 360扫描隧道,以寻找历史排水系统。使用Leica Pegasus Manager,Leica Cyclone和Leica Cyclone 3DR评估了数据。

Delivering fast and flexible scanning

使用移动映射解决方案的一个主要好处是现场的时间很短。Leica Pegasus Ultimate II只花了半天的时间才能乘坐汽车记录3.2公里的道路,并在半天的时间里录制了一整天的时间,以记录到挖掘机上的挡土墙的困难部分。即使在此期间,旅游车辆仍然能够使用这条道路,这意味着检查对当地经济的影响最小。收集了大约162 GB的原始数据,这导致了600 GB的处理数据 - 最终提供了数字地形模型和库存计划,以告知未来的建筑工作。满足TSBA对准确性的要求,数据的绝对准确性可在2-3cm之内。

The evolution of mobile mapping: multiple uses


"Mobile Mapping is so advanced nowadays, it can be used also for Monitoring purpose. Within the evaluation of possible data capture solutions the Leica Pegasus:Two Ultimate was the fastest and most accurate solution for the detection of the area.”Sven Gollub,Ing Geovision项目经理。

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