Proctecting the cornerstone of our existence

瑞士人有悠久的传统来促进和维护该国的生物多样性,并理解这是我们在地球上存在的基石。瑞士农业政策支持生物群体或生物社区,并主动设定协议,以保护和管理诸如凸起的沼泽,芬兰和干草地等生物关注,以及执行这些固定协议的所有者获得赔偿。从2014年到2017年生效的新的农业政策已向管理生物关注的土地所有者直接付款。为了评估这些支持的生物室的可能景观质量影响,格拉鲁斯部门建设和环境的广州委托Arnal,Bürofürfürnaturand Landschaft AG进行了一项研究,以涵盖Canton Glarus需要保护的所有领域。

ARNAL首席执行官,本研究项目经理Robert Meier在2014年夏天与他的实习生Elias在Glarus Alps一起度过了两个星期。在此期间,他们测量了土地区域,并收集了有关生物流行的其他相关信息,并与当地土地管理者达成了最终确定的协议。携带Leica CS25 GNSS PC,以数字方式从需要提交评估的表面区域收集数据。

As a company with extensive environmental experience that works closely with its customers, ARNAL has always supported the envirnoment, taking the landscape needs into consideration first. In the summer of 2014, ARNAL were commissioned to make new land management agreements and update existing ones in order to protect the fragile biotopes found in the Glarus Alps. For this purpose, land area sizes needed to be assessed and agreements negotiated with the land managers locally.

Checking and expanding biotopes
在这个项目期间,实习生埃里亚斯(Elias)获得了对生态学家的含义的第一手经验。罗伯特·迈耶(Robert Meier)在徒步旅行中向埃里亚斯(Elias)解释了在每个生物室中都可以找到的财富和多样性,并向埃里亚斯(Elias)展示了如何使用莉卡·泽诺(Leica Zeno)GIS片剂。在短时间内,Elias熟悉该设备并准备开始收集数据。

Under the supervision of Robert Meier, Elias was able to verify existing biotope sizes on location by using the tablet’s integrated GPS and the Leica Zeno field application. Any area sizes which needed to be changed were carried out directly in the field using precise positional data. As Robert Meier explained, “Using the Leica Zeno Field, we were able not only to record and correct geometric surfaces but we could also enter valuable information on managing the corresponding areas for later assessment directly in the field.”

回到办公室,将数据直接导入到QGIS GIS系统中,QGIS GIS系统是一个免费的开源程序,用于创建,分析和发布地理空间信息。得益于在Leica Zeno Field上进行的工作,不再需要手动在现场地图中绘制区域并在办公室后来对其进行数字化。

理想的方向在现场 - 即使天气不佳
It's well known that weather can change very quickly in the mountains, and the summer of 2014 was no exception. This made having an orientation aid all the more helpful in misty conditions with poor visibility. “We used to use paper maps for this, which had to be protected from the rain. Thanks to the water-proof Leica CS25 tablet, we can leave the umbrella behind and pinpoint our exact position in the area through localisation. It's also possible to ‘pilot’ the navigation function to the desired location,” said Meier.

徕卡CS25平板电脑提供团队其他等优点tages as well, such as the ability to display boundary lines, which often can't be seen or found. “Property boundary lines, for example, play a crucial role when it comes to direct payments. Using the Leica CS25, we were able to show land managers the boundary lines in the field. Land usage boundaries, such as the boundaries of forests, also play a role regarding payments. We could show these boundaries to them on the tablet as well, and made use of them as a basis for discussion,” explained Meier.

“我们在该项目中使用Leica CS25 GNS的经验非常积极,因为某些工作步骤可以合并,而其他工作则根本不需要。罗伯特·梅尔(Robert Meier)总结说:“数据是通过GPS迅速而精确地记录的,这意味着我们可以将在位置所花费的时间减少相当大的程度。”

Believe it or not, this can have its downsides, too. Intern Elias would have gladly spent more time in the Glarus Alps: “I had a lot of fun out there. We were outside every day, and when the day was done, we knew that we had done something positive for the environment.”

Written by Robert Meier and Hildegard Holenstein


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