

作者:Cornelia Dietz


KTK-Belt,Inc。,是一个非营利组织,其使命是催化尼泊尔东部生物多样性保护和环境学习的新模型。它与老师,农民,青年和妇女合作,创建了“垂直大学”。这个可持续项目的想法是,以7,620米的垂直森林走廊的形式创建一个“活人教室”,从尼泊尔最大的水生鸟类保护区Koshi Tappu(67 m)延伸到Kanchenjunga(8,586 m),The Nepal最大的水生鸟类保护区(8,586 m),世界第三高的山峰.

The ‘Vertical University’ is a vessel to teach and conserve the6,600 flowering plant species,800 bird species and 180 mammals在尼泊尔东部发现。在像尼泊尔这样的山区国家,那里有非凡的生物学,气候和文化多样性,从热带平原到高山喜马拉雅山,传统的教育范式,学生坐在一个固定的教室里,与周围的环境离婚,几乎没有任何意义。

以共同的信念来促进sustainable planet, Leica Geosystems supported this new biodiversity conservation andenvironmental learning project通过捐赠Leica DISTO™ D810Touch Pro Pack。这个完整的专业系统,用于方便瞄准,精确的测量和图片记录结果,包括Leica Disto™D810触摸,Leica FTA360三脚架适配器和Leica TRI70tripod packed in a rugged case.

Creating flexible multi-purpose community spaces

KTK-Belt fellows used the DISTO™ D810 touch during the construction of their first learning grounds, an outdoor learning and community space for children and villagers in Yangshila. Local labourers used DISTO™ in the construction, documentation and modification of the centre to host exhibits and other activities.

“在施工期间,我们与几乎没有正规教育的当地劳动工人合作。Leica Disto™工具使我们能够根据设计和工程团队提交的图纸确保结构是按照设计的。该设备易于理解,可以由我们的本地工人操作。在这些天气条件下,内置相机在外面也很棒,”said Priyanka Bista, co-founder and co-director of KTK-Belt studio.

The eco-campus was built of recycled shipping containers, bamboo, stone and mud.

使用Disto™构建的结构45 square metres, roughly the size of a typical village home. The modern structure made of stacked recycled shipping containers, reclaimed wood from a dismantled local barn, and native bamboo, stone and mud has folding doors on both levels, opening the surrounding landscape to加速可持续生计机会in the community. The top container is cooled from the shade of eight solar panels that provide the full energy requirements of the building. Climber vines, vertical gardens, and the green roof are used to show different ways tointegrate vegetation and passively cool the building, providing ecosystem services.

“我们很高兴看到已经建立了一些校园,他们可以在Leica Disto™的帮助下建立灵活的多功能社区空间,”said Markus Hammerer, program director of Leica DISTOhandheld products at Leica Geosystems.

Teaching tools for builders

To recruit, train and build the capacity of youth fellows to lead in various areas of the project, KTK-Belt created the BELT fellows program. So far, the first five youth fellows have been trained in construction, design, hospitality, outdoor education, and conservation and GIS.

“从我小时候起,我就一直对建筑感兴趣。与我的姐妹不同,我总是被建造工具所吸引。这些天我也开车去学习如何使用测量胶带,比例,计算器甚至激光距离计,以绘制适当的建筑图纸。在建筑工地看到我们,村里的妇女也被鼓励自己为自己工作。”said Pabitra Magar, KTK-Belt construction fellow.

With intuitive features and functions, such as the 4x zoom point finder, BELT fellows measured distances with the DISTO™ D810 touch even if they could not see the red laser dot on the target because it was too far away or the sun was too bright. Fellows just orientated with the cross displays to aim at the right target.

通过用来做最大利益的技术确保可扩展和可持续的未来 - 这是六边形方法的核心。亚搏苹果appKTK-belt正在使用技术来利用生物多样性,土著知识和人植物相互作用的潜力。

The living classroom in Yangshila




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