Leica iCON alpine Snow Management


To make snow grooming as efficient as possible, it’s important to know the exact snow depth under the blade attachments when processing snow volumes. Leica iCON alpine delivers real-time data on the display in the cabin. This enables operators to respond to snow conditions immediately and perfectly prepare slopes. This not only saves time, cost and adds safety to slopes, but also reduces water and energy needed for slope preparation, dramatically decreasing the customer’s ecological footprint.

iCON alpine is a complete management solution for ski slope infrastructure. The system allows exchange of all snow height information and current working status of the ski slope simultaneously among all snow groomer operators in real time. The data can also be transferred in real time via a web server to and from any third party GIS snow management solution, such as Alpine PRO, for detailed analysis of snow height and management.

System installation
图标高山系统可以安装在所有制造商的坡度美容器上。选定的制造商提供已经配备了Icon Alpine所需的预安装设置的车辆。现有车辆可以轻松改装。


  • Extends your skiing season
  • 由于精确计划的雪的生产,对人造雪的需求减少了
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • 由于独特的雪犁控制,防止雪层的穿透
  • Prevents collisions with water taps and other technical installations under the snow

In real time

  • 雪地美容师中的显示器以厘米和实时的方式可视化当前的雪深度。
  • Precise snow making
  • 从雪地降雪的目标转移
  • 精确确定雪地美容师位置


  • Through systematic analyses and assessments, you have extensive knowledge of your skiing area and can thus sustainably ensure the quality of your slopes. Statistics enable long-term, multi-season planning.
  • 降雪深度低的弱点早期发现
  • 识别额外积雪的位置
  • 最佳的,有针对性的雪和准备

Comprehensive system

  • Complex fun parks can be created efficiently
  • Enables efficient distribution of remaining snow for snow retreat in the spring
  • Streets can be cleared in a targeted way

Leica MCP80 3D Machine Control Panel & Leica MDS Series Docking Station


New hardware platform from Leica Geosystems Machine Control

新机器控制硬件平台:Leica MCP80面板和MDS系列对接站。

新机器控制硬件平台:Leica MCP80面板和MDS系列对接站。

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Case Studies


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