


Author:Arno Kijzerwaard


This phrase is the basis on how we acquire knowledge and improve any method. This phrase, eventually, is also used by people with dimensioning-related professions, such Pascal Groothedde, owner of the engineering company Groothedde in the Netherlands.

Groothedde specialises in construction, project management, architectural inspections and budgeting. The projects the company undertakes are often in the retail business (shop-fitting) or related to building construction. Reality capture has taken Groothedde to expand his business portfolio, delivering 3D models and CAD drawings much faster and detailed than with traditional methods.

From point-to-point, to millions of points

From point-to-point, to millions of points

In the past, when dimensions were needed, the measuring tape was used. The tape measure was later replaced by a laser distance metre. Since Groothedde works often by himself, a Leica DISTOTMS910激光距离仪表简化了工作。随着项目的复杂性,散布TM用3D测量技术被证明是正确的工具。借助点对点测量技术,Groothedde可以从一个单个三脚架位置(例如旧建筑物)测量墙壁和天花板的一个三脚架位置中捕获3D的准确测量值,这并不总是彼此垂直。

The DISTOTM当客户只需要一些维度时,仍然使用S910,但是最近,Groothedde投资于Leica BLK360成像激光扫描仪,为他的公司开辟了新的机会。

使用3D成像激光扫描,Groothedde发现了一个fast and uncomplicated way to capture measurements and as-built information。With the BLK360, combined with an iPad Pro with Recap PRO mobile, an有效的工作流程可以制作2D平面图,横截面和3D型号。


Due to the current developments in 3D laser scanning, and the release of the BLK360, we decided to invest in the imaging laser scanner. Since the BLK360 measures up to 360,000 points per second, we don’t have to worry if we have enough points measured on site. I can now take on different and more complex projects than ever before and better meet the needs of my customers,”格罗省说。

Small device, big projects

Small device, big projects



The 3D imaging laser scanner also made it possible to scan from the outside a4750-cubic-metresbuilding to be remodelled in a luxurious apartment. The owner needed dimensions for the planning, and thelightweight, 1-kilogram事实证明,BLK360足够大了。


Looking ahead

Looking ahead


“BLK360提供卓越的价值。在c语言中ombination with the iPad Pro, it gives immediate feedback in the field – with the tablet you can instantly see what you captured, what you need, and if the scans have enough overlap,”格罗省说。

For the future, Groothedde wants to grow his 3D measurement business by delivering higher accuracy and cloud sharing detailed point clouds.




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